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Asterisk <> Cisco

Проблемы Asterisk без вэб-оболочек и их решения

Модераторы: april22, Zavr2008

Сообщения: 12
Зарегистрирован: 12 янв 2011, 06:15

Re: Asterisk <> Cisco

Сообщение sercherim »

вот текущая конфиг-я:

voice hunt user-busy


voice service voip

allow-connections h323 to h323

allow-connections h323 to sip

allow-connections sip to h323

allow-connections sip to sip




voice class codec 1

codec preference 1 g723r53

codec preference 2 gsmfr

codec preference 3 g711ulaw

codec preference 4 g711alaw

voice-port 2/0:15

cptone RU

bearer-cap Speech

dial-peer cor custom




dial-peer voice 7 voip

description xx

destination-pattern ^47.$

session target ipv4:10.248.xx.xx

incoming called-number 8T

dtmf-relay cisco-rtp rtp-nte h245-signal h245-alphanumeric

codec g723r53


dial-peer voice 188 voip

description xx

destination-pattern 48.$

session target ipv4:192.168.xx.xx

dtmf-relay cisco-rtp rtp-nte h245-signal h245-alphanumeric

codec g723r53


dial-peer voice 999 pots

description XXX

destination-pattern ^8..$

no digit-strip


port 2/0:15


dial-peer voice 110 voip

description xxx

destination-pattern ^41.$

session target ipv4:192.168.xx.xx

dtmf-relay cisco-rtp rtp-nte h245-signal h245-alphanumeric

codec g723r53


dial-peer voice 1 pots

destination-pattern 82200

forward-digits 0


dial-peer voice 2 pots

destination-pattern 82200

forward-digits 0


dial-peer voice 89025 pots

description mobil

destination-pattern ^89.........$

port 2/0:15



dial-peer voice 66 pots

description xxx

destination-pattern ^6..$

no digit-strip


port 2/0:15


dial-peer voice 440 voip

description xxx

destination-pattern ^44.$

session target ipv4:192.168.xx.xx

dtmf-relay cisco-rtp rtp-nte h245-signal h245-alphanumeric

codec g723r53

ip qos dscp default media

ip qos dscp default signaling



dial-peer voice 6 voip

description xx

destination-pattern ^46.$

session target ipv4:10.248.xx.xx

incoming called-number 8T

voice-class codec 1

dtmf-relay cisco-rtp rtp-nte h245-signal h245-alphanumeric



dial-peer voice 463 voip

destination-pattern ^46.$

progress_ind setup enable 3

translate-outgoing called 70

session protocol sipv2

session target ipv4:10.248.xx.xx

session transport udp

dtmf-relay rtp-nte

voice-class codec 1

fax rate 9600

fax protocol pass-through g711alaw

no vad




authentication username 1300 password

retry invite 3

retry response 3

retry bye 3

retry cancel 3

timers trying 1000

sip-server ipv4:10.248.xx.xx

Сообщения: 15623
Зарегистрирован: 26 авг 2010, 19:00

Re: Asterisk <> Cisco

Сообщение ded »

1) Научитесь форматировать код, лишние пустые строки ни к чему.
2) Научитесь выделять главное из второстепенного, полный конфиг цыски никогда не нужен
3) sip-server ipv4:10.248.xx.xx - это забавляет. Что же там скрыто за крестиками?

dial-peer voice 7 voip
description xx
destination-pattern ^47.$
session target ipv4:10.248.xx.xx
incoming called-number 8T
dtmf-relay cisco-rtp rtp-nte h245-signal h245-alphanumeric
voice-class codec 1
dial-peer voice 188 voip
description xx
destination-pattern 48.$
session target ipv4:192.168.xx.xx
dtmf-relay cisco-rtp rtp-nte h245-signal h245-alphanumeric
voice-class codec 1
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