Хорошо, я туплю и это действительно косяк. Исправил. Настройки хоста 979
Код: Выделить всё
fullname = New User
userbase = 6000
hasvoicemail = yes
vmsecret = 1234
hassip = yes
hasiax = no
;hash323 = yes
hasmanager = no
callwaiting = yes
threewaycalling = yes
callwaitingcallerid = yes
transfer = yes
canpark = yes
cancallforward = yes
callreturn = yes
callgroup = 1
pickupgroup = 1
context = default
type = friend
host =
trunkname = mytrunk
username = 979
nat= no
secret = 111
hassip = yes
registersip = yes
trunkstyle = voip
username = 200
transfer = yes
mailbox = 200
call-limit = 100
fullname = phone
registersip = no
host = dynamic
callgroup = 1
context = DLPN_DialPlan1
cid_number = 200
hasvoicemail = no
vmsecret =
email =
threewaycalling = no
hasdirectory = no
callwaiting = no
hasmanager = no
hasagent = no
hassip = yes
hasiax = no
secret = 111
nat = yes
canreinvite = no
dtmfmode = rfc2833
insecure = no
pickupgroup = 1
disallow = all
allow = ulaw,gsm
autoprov = no
label =
macaddress =
linenumber = 1
username = 201
transfer = yes
mailbox = 201
call-limit = 100
fullname = fax
registersip = no
host = dynamic
callgroup = 1
context = DLPN_DialPlan1
cid_number = 201
hasvoicemail = no
vmsecret =
email =
threewaycalling = no
hasdirectory = no
callwaiting = no
hasmanager = no
hasagent = no
hassip = yes
hasiax = no
secret = 111
nat = yes
canreinvite = no
dtmfmode = rfc2833
insecure = no
pickupgroup = 1
autoprov = no
label =
macaddress =
linenumber = 1
disallow = all
allow = ulaw,gsm
username = 202
transfer = yes
mailbox = 202
call-limit = 100
fullname = DCA
registersip = no
host = dynamic
callgroup = 1
context = DLPN_DialPlan1
cid_number = 202
hasvoicemail = no
vmsecret =
email =
threewaycalling = no
hasdirectory = no
callwaiting = no
hasmanager = yes
managerread = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config
managerwrite = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config
hasagent = no
hassip = yes
hasiax = no
secret = 111
nat = yes
canreinvite = no
dtmfmode = rfc2833
insecure = no
pickupgroup = 1
disallow = all
allow = ulaw,gsm
autoprov = no
label =
macaddress =
linenumber = 1
Все равно пишет
Код: Выделить всё
[Mar 18 11:30:19] NOTICE[20810]: chan_sip.c:11642 sip_reg_timeout: -- Registration for '979@' timed out, trying again (Attempt #34)
-- Got SIP response 405 "Method Not Allowed" back from
[Mar 18 11:30:31] ERROR[20810]: chan_sip.c:13150 register_verify: Peer '979' is trying to register, but not configured as host=dynamic
[Mar 18 11:30:31] NOTICE[20810]: chan_sip.c:21687 handle_request_register: Registration from '"979" <sip:979@>' failed for '' - Peer is not supposed to register
в Sip.conf ничего не менял