Вы же получили ответ -Andrey_Rud писал(а): Астериск видимо генерирует своё КПВ, можно ли принять оригинальное КПВ ? Если можно подскажите как это сделать?
то есть, не читая Книгу о будущем телефонии, возможно было трудно понять, что надо простона 7-и значный внешний городской номер Вы сами поставили зачем-то букву r
exten => _XXXXXXX,n,Dial(${EXTERNAL(TRUNK)}/${EXTEN},30,r)
Источник: http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+cmd+Dialr: Generate a ringing tone for the calling party, passing no audio from the called channel(s) until one answers. Without this option, Asterisk will generate ring tones automatically where it is appropriate to do so; however, "r" will force Asterisk to generate ring tones, even if it is not appropriate. For example, if you used this option to force ringing but the line was busy the user would hear "RING RIBEEP BEEP BEEP" (thank you tzanger), which is potentially confusing and/or unprofessional. However, the option is necessary in a couple of places. For example, when you're dialing multiple channels, call progress information is not consistantly passed back. Look at Progress(), the progressinband setting in sip.conf or Ringing() if you would like to avoid the use of 'r' but have issues with the ringback behaviour of Dial().