Клон Raspberry Pi c улучшенными характеристиками, полностью совместимый.
Поставки начнутся в августе по $35 за штуку, а если сейчас уже заказать - будет по $25.
The Lemon Pi single board computer tries to copy the success of the very popular Raspberry Pi, even the 40-pins feature port of the Raspberry Pi is copied(!)
The Lemon Pi features a powerful ARM Quad-core cortex A9 and Imagination PowerVR SGX544 GPU. Connectivity is handled by Multi-USBs, I2C, SPI, UART, I2S, PCM, SPDIF, MIPI DSI / CSI, HDMI, and Ethernet ports.
The Lemon Pi contains 1 GB of RAM, has an internal eMMC storage interface (up to 64GB) and features a MicroSD slot for external storage. According to the developers you can install Android5.0/Ubuntu12.04/Linux3.10 on to the Lemon Pi. 3D hardware acceleration is enabled in Ubuntu too.
A $25 pledge for “Super Early Bird reward” should get your board, with a standard pledge being $35. If the crowdfunding goes as expected the Lemon Pi are scheduled to ship on August this year.
http://www.itrunsonlinux.com/hardware/l ... -pi-clone/