Вот именно. Всё это у него уже там есть, это можно увидетьgosha писал(а):не надо так делать. потом все это скомпиленное гуано замучаетесь разгребать
CLI>core show channeltypes
У него нет модуля app_meetme.so
Или он не грузится.
Вот именно. Всё это у него уже там есть, это можно увидетьgosha писал(а):не надо так делать. потом все это скомпиленное гуано замучаетесь разгребать
Все завелось переустановил dahdi из исходников все появилось.Wapo писал(а):Попробуйте переустановить dahdi но из исходников а не rpm или yum
Код: Выделить всё
Managed conferencing solution using
Asterisk, Web-MeetMe and a database-driven scheduler
by Dan Austin <dan_austin@fitawi.com>
** Background
It has been suggested that conferencing in general and
MeetMe specifically represent the killer app to drive Asterisk
integrations. While MeetMe does provide a solid foundation for
audio conferencing, there is a need for a management interface
that allows system administrators, conference administrators,
and system users to schedule, monitor and manage conferences.
** Security concerns
It is strongly recommended that register_globals be
turned off. The Web-MeetMe UI no longer needs this feature
turned on, and if it is turned on the system may be vulnerable
to XSS.
** Using Web-MeetMe with Asterisk 1.6 or newer
Starting with Asterisk 1.6, the logic to enforce
conference start times, end times and resource limits have
been moved into app_meetme. This means that this package
no longer needs app_cbmysql, however an updated verion
is included for sites that already use WMM and cannot
convert to using RealTime. It is highly recommended that
new installations use RealTime and not app_cbmysql.
** The tools
Web-MeetMe is a collection of PHP pages that leverage
the database for scheduling and the Asterisk Manager interface
to monitor and control active conferences.
The scheduler currently supports these features:
+ Conference number conflict avoidance
+ Recurring conferences
* Daily, weekly or bi-weekly
+ Enforces a user password if a admin password
is set
+ Seperate views for past, current and future
+ Editing future conferences
* Includes a series of conferences
+ Deleting past conferences
+ CDR-like view of past conferences
* Includes a link to conference recordings
+ One click features to-
* Extend an active conference (time)
* Kick out all participants
* Out-call to include participants
+ Optional early join features
* fuzzystart allows a caller to enter a
room early (in seconds, set in cbmysql.conf)
* earlyalert notifies a call that their
conference has not yet started, if they
enter a valid conference number and the
conference is scheduled to start soon.
(in seconds, set in cbmysql.conf)
** Installation
* Dependencies
- Asterisk 1.6 or later
!! Version 1.6.2 is recommended for full functionality
!! res_odbc
!! app_meetme configured to use RealTime
!! cdr_adaptive_odbc is recommended for CDR functionality
- Database with ODBC driver
- PHP 4.3 or later
!! Reports depend on mod_gd and GD-2.0.28
!! or later
!! PEAR::DB (php-pear)
* Configure ODBC
Configure /etc/odbc.ini and add a section similar to this:
Description = ODBC for MySQL
Driver = MySQL
Server =
Database = meetme
Port = 3306
Socket = /tmp/mysql.sock
Option =
Stmt =
Trace = yes
TraceFile = /tmp/odbc.log
Configure /etc/asterisk/res_odbc.conf and add a section similar
to this:
dsn => MySQL-Asterisk
username => <db-username>
password => <db-password>
pre-connect => yes
Add the following line to /etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf:
meetme => odbc,meetme,booking
For CDR logs configure /etc/asterisk/cdr_adaptive_odbc.conf:
connection=meetme ;Note that this matches res_odbc.conf
In /etc/asterisk/cdr.conf confirm that endbeforehexten is set to 'no'
* Setup the database
Create a table called booking in your database. The
table is described in ./cbmysql/db-tables-v6.txt
You can upgrade your database from an earlier install
by using this command:
mysql < ./cbmysql/upgrade-db.txt
There is also a use the rollback-db.txt file to
revert the database to be compatible with WMM 3.X if you
need to downgrade.
If you will be using a SQL database to store user
accounts instead of using an LDAP service, you can use this
command to setup the initial administrator account to logon to
mysql < cbmysql/db-admin-user-create.txt
* Install Web-MeetMe
Download the latest Web-MeetMe tgz file from
http://www.sf.net/projects/web-meetme and extract it to your webservers
document root.
Modify the ../web-meetme/lib/defines.php to match you
database settings.
Copy ../web-meetme/phpagi/phpagi.example.conf to
/etc/asterisk and modify it to match the settings in your
You must have an account in /etc/asterisk/manager.conf
similar to this:
secret = {pick-a-password}
read = call
write = command,originate
If you intend to use the authentication functions,
it is strongly recommended that you use SSL and force all
conenctions to the Web-MeetMe pages to use HTTPS.
* LDAP or Active Directory integration
Edit ./lib/defines and set the AUTH_TYPE to adLDAP.
Set the ADMIN_GROUP to appropriate list, the default is
"Domain Admins", but you might not want the network folks
controlling your telephony systems. Optionally you can
chanege the browser session timeout.
Edit ./lib/adLDAP and replace all instances of
"yourdomain" and "yourserver" with the values for your
* Usage
If all of the steps have been followed, you should be
able to open your browser, connect to the Web-MeetMe page and
schedule a conference. A new conference start time defaults
to the time it is scheduled, so modify it if needed. Any
required fields that are left blank will be auto-generated.
Note the conference room number and password.
Dial the number you have assigned for conferencing, and
try the conference you have just added. If the time and password
are correct, you will be joined to the conference.
You can now use the Web-Meetme monitor function to manage
your conference.
** Credits
Areski for his fantastic Web-MeetMe gui which proved extremely
easy to extend.
Mike Clark for UI enhancements and the database features to host
user accounts.
And special thanks to everyone in the Asterisk community.
Код: Выделить всё
== Manager 'MeetMe' logged on from
== Manager 'MeetMe' logged off from
== Manager 'MeetMe' logged on from
== Manager 'MeetMe' logged off from
Код: Выделить всё
-- Executing [777@local:1] MeetMe("SIP/293-00000002", "777") in new stack
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/meetme.conf': == Found
-- Created MeetMe conference 1023 for conference '777'
-- <SIP/293-00000002> Playing 'conf-getpin.alaw' (language 'ru')
> Starting recording of MeetMe Conference 777 into file (null).(null).
> Found bookId column with type 4 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,10)
> Found clientId column with type 4 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,10)
> Found confno column with type 12 with len 30, octetlen 30, and numlen (0,0)
> Found pin column with type 12 with len 30, octetlen 30, and numlen (0,0)
> Found adminpin column with type 12 with len 30, octetlen 30, and numlen (0,0)
> Found starttime column with type 93 with len 19, octetlen 19, and numlen (0,10)
> Found endtime column with type 93 with len 19, octetlen 19, and numlen (0,10)
> Found dateReq column with type 93 with len 19, octetlen 19, and numlen (0,10)
> Found dateMod column with type 93 with len 19, octetlen 19, and numlen (0,10)
> Found maxUser column with type 12 with len 30, octetlen 30, and numlen (0,0)
> Found status column with type 12 with len 30, octetlen 30, and numlen (0,0)
> Found confOwner column with type 12 with len 30, octetlen 30, and numlen (0,0)
> Found confDesc column with type 12 with len 100, octetlen 100, and numlen (0,0)
> Found adminopts column with type 12 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,0)
> Found opts column with type 12 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,0)
> Found sequenceNo column with type 4 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,10)
> Found recurInterval column with type 4 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,10)
> Found members column with type 12 with len 100, octetlen 100, and numlen (0,0)
> Found recordingfilename column with type 12 with len 128, octetlen 128, and numlen (0,0)
-- <SIP/293-00000002> Playing 'conf-onlyperson.alaw' (language 'ru')
-- Hungup 'DAHDI/pseudo-578299358'
== Spawn extension (local, 777, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/293-00000002'
Код: Выделить всё
[root@localhost asterisk]# cat res_odbc.conf
dsn => MySQL-Asterisk
username => root
password => XXXXXX
pre-connect => yes
Код: Выделить всё
[root@localhost asterisk]# cat res_odbc.conf
dsn => MySQL-Asterisk
username => root
password => XXXXX
pre-connect => yes
[root@localhost asterisk]# cat /etc/odbc.ini
Description = ODBC for MySQL
Driver = MySQL
Server =
Database = meetme
Port = 3306
Socket = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
Option =
Stmt =
Trace = yes
TraceFile = /tmp/odbc.log
Код: Выделить всё
mysql> show databases;
| Database |
| information_schema |
| meetme |
| mysql |
| test |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Код: Выделить всё
[root@localhost asterisk]# cat /etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf
meetme => odbc,meetme,booking
Код: Выделить всё
[root@localhost asterisk]# cat /etc/asterisk/cdr_adaptive_odbc.conf
connection=meetme ;Note that this matches res_odbc.conf
Так всётаки 2 вопроса или 4 ?Пока 2 вопроса почему не создается конференция автоматом ?
Почему не отображается когда создаешь вручную?
И вообще не понятно каким образо она автоматом создается я так подозреваю посылается originate в manager при помощи phpagi ?
Ответ в defines.phpА тогда как ему объяснить что у меня user'ы подключены по sip
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//Outcall defaults
define ("CHAN_TYPE", "Local"); //Use Local to let dialplan decide which chan
define ("OUT_CONTEXT", "default"); //Select a context to place the call from
define ("OUT_PEER", ""); // Use this if not using CHAN_TYPE Local
define ("OUT_CALL_CID", "Parlez <1996>"); // Caller ID for Invites
Там когда Invite жмешь указываешь имя фамилию email и номер телефона.aizek писал(а):Как она должна по вашему создаваться автоматом? Вы же сами её создаете и задаете время начала. Хоть там и есть (насколько я помню) кнопка Invite во время создания, она предназначена для рассылки email-уведомления указанными участникам.
Че то не заметил этих параметров спасибо щас буду пробовать.gofer_k писал(а):Ответ в defines.php
Код: выделить все
//Outcall defaults
define ("CHAN_TYPE", "Local"); //Use Local to let dialplan decide which chan
define ("OUT_CONTEXT", "default"); //Select a context to place the call from
define ("OUT_PEER", ""); // Use this if not using CHAN_TYPE Local
define ("OUT_CALL_CID", "Parlez <1996>"); // Caller ID for Invites
Wapo писал(а):Почему не отображается когда создаешь вручную?
Код: Выделить всё
[root@localhost asterisk]# cat phpagi.conf
#enable debuging
#use internal error handler
#mail errors to
#host name of this server
# temporary directory for storing temporary output
#path to text2wave binary
# server to connect to
# default manager port
#username for login
#password for login
#alternate text to speech engine