ПОдскажите плиз, как задать маску динамическую, не статически привязанную запись, в книгах не нашел. Ну типа что-то A-Z.,1,Dial(SIP/050XXXXXXX), а не Ivan_Petrov,1,Dial(SIP/050XXXXXXX)
вот у мну книжка Эластикс без слез (Они все на один лад):
The various patterns you can enter are similar to Asterisk's definition of them:
• X — Refers to any digit between 0 and 9
• N — Refers to any digit between 2 and 9
• Z — Any digit that is not zero. (E.g. 1 to 9)
• [Various] — Match only one character that matches any of the one in the square
brackets. (E.g. [02-68*#] would match 0, any number between 2 and 6 inclusive,
8, * and #. Or, another way of saying this would be 'Match * or #, or a number that
isn't 1,7 or 9') –Avoid using this notation in your Trunk Dial Rule as it does not seem
to work. Use this only in your Outgoing Route Dial Pattern.
• . — Wildcard. Match any number of anything. Must match *something*.
• | — This lets you use a '0 to dial out' (or '9' in the US) by matching anything
before the line, but not sending it to the trunk.