Страница 2 из 9
Re: Эхо, возможно ли побороть?
Добавлено: 03 авг 2013, 17:56
пиры к астериск на кошке покажите
ещё лучше весь конфиг, все секретное заменив на фейки
Re: Эхо, возможно ли побороть?
Добавлено: 03 авг 2013, 18:29
Выдержки из конфига кошки:
voice rtp send-recv
voice vrf voice
voice service voip
allow-connections h323 to h323
allow-connections h323 to sip
allow-connections sip to h323
allow-connections sip to sip
supplementary-service h450.12
no supplementary-service sip moved-temporarily
no supplementary-service sip refer
fax protocol cisco
bind control source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0.514
bind media source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0.514
registrar server
voice class codec 1
codec preference 1 g729r8
codec preference 2 g711ulaw
codec preference 3 g723r63
dial-peer voice 50 voip
description voice
destination-pattern 9T
voice-class codec 1
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:x.x.x.x
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
no vad
authentication username xxx password 7 xxx
registrar ipv4:xxx expires 3600
presence enable
max-ephones 50
max-dn 50
ip source-address xxx port 2000
service dnis overlay
system message Message
user-locale RU
network-locale RU
max-conferences 8 gain -6
transfer-system full-consult
Даже не знаю, что еще... Если нужно что-то еще, говорите, пожалуйста - выложу.
Re: Эхо, возможно ли побороть?
Добавлено: 03 авг 2013, 18:32
Если пока без кошки: хоть один телефон зарегистрирован на Астериске где Е1? Если нет - зарегистрируйте. Если да - звонок с этого телефона в город - есть эхо тоже?
И ещё: покажите вывод
dahdi_cfg -vv
Ещё бы посмотреть вывод dmesg после перезагрузки dahdi
service dahdi restart
Re: Эхо, возможно ли побороть?
Добавлено: 03 авг 2013, 18:46
с этими выдержками вроде нормально
смотреть на всех ли voip диалпирах стоит "no vad" и чтоб жестко был "voice-class codec 1", т.к. не только через 50 может ходить
Re: Эхо, возможно ли побороть?
Добавлено: 03 авг 2013, 19:16
К астериску подключен sip телефон программный на мобильном. При звонке в город есть минимальное эхо первые несколько секунд.
cat /etc/dahdi/system.conf
#Sangoma A104 port 1 [slot:6 bus:1 span:1] <wanpipe1>
#Sangoma A104 port 2 [slot:6 bus:1 span:2] <wanpipe2>
#Sangoma A104 port 3 [slot:6 bus:1 span:3] <wanpipe3>
#Sangoma A104 port 4 [slot:6 bus:1 span:4] <wanpipe4>
dahdi_cfg -vv
DAHDI Version: 2.6.2
Echo Canceller(s): HWEC, MG2, KB1, OSLEC
SPAN 1: CCS/HDB3 Build-out: 0 db (CSU)/0-133 feet (DSX-1)
SPAN 2: CCS/HDB3 Build-out: 0 db (CSU)/0-133 feet (DSX-1)
SPAN 3: CCS/HDB3 Build-out: 0 db (CSU)/0-133 feet (DSX-1)
SPAN 4: CCS/HDB3 Build-out: 0 db (CSU)/0-133 feet (DSX-1)
Channel map:
Channel 01: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: oslec) (Slaves: 01)
Channel 02: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: oslec) (Slaves: 02)
Channel 03: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: oslec) (Slaves: 03)
Channel 04: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: oslec) (Slaves: 04)
Channel 05: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: oslec) (Slaves: 05)
Channel 06: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: oslec) (Slaves: 06)
Channel 07: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: oslec) (Slaves: 07)
Channel 08: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: oslec) (Slaves: 08)
Channel 09: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: oslec) (Slaves: 09)
Channel 10: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: oslec) (Slaves: 10)
Channel 11: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: oslec) (Slaves: 11)
Channel 12: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: oslec) (Slaves: 12)
Channel 13: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: oslec) (Slaves: 13)
Channel 14: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: oslec) (Slaves: 14)
Channel 15: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: oslec) (Slaves: 15)
Channel 16: Hardware assisted D-channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 16)
Channel 17: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: oslec) (Slaves: 17)
Channel 18: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: oslec) (Slaves: 18)
Channel 19: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: oslec) (Slaves: 19)
Channel 20: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: oslec) (Slaves: 20)
Channel 21: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: oslec) (Slaves: 21)
Channel 22: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: oslec) (Slaves: 22)
Channel 23: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: oslec) (Slaves: 23)
Channel 24: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: oslec) (Slaves: 24)
Channel 25: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: oslec) (Slaves: 25)
Channel 26: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: oslec) (Slaves: 26)
Channel 27: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: oslec) (Slaves: 27)
Channel 28: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: oslec) (Slaves: 28)
Channel 29: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: oslec) (Slaves: 29)
Channel 30: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: oslec) (Slaves: 30)
Channel 31: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: oslec) (Slaves: 31)
Channel 32: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 32)
Channel 33: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 33)
Channel 34: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 34)
Channel 35: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 35)
Channel 36: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 36)
Channel 37: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 37)
Channel 38: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 38)
Channel 39: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 39)
Channel 40: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 40)
Channel 41: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 41)
Channel 42: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 42)
Channel 43: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 43)
Channel 44: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 44)
Channel 45: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 45)
Channel 46: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 46)
Channel 47: Hardware assisted D-channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 47)
Channel 48: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 48)
Channel 49: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 49)
Channel 50: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 50)
Channel 51: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 51)
Channel 52: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 52)
Channel 53: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 53)
Channel 54: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 54)
Channel 55: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 55)
Channel 56: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 56)
Channel 57: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 57)
Channel 58: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 58)
Channel 59: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 59)
Channel 60: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 60)
Channel 61: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 61)
Channel 62: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 62)
Channel 63: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 63)
Channel 64: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 64)
Channel 65: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 65)
Channel 66: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 66)
Channel 67: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 67)
Channel 68: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 68)
Channel 69: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 69)
Channel 70: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 70)
Channel 71: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 71)
Channel 72: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 72)
Channel 73: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 73)
Channel 74: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 74)
Channel 75: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 75)
Channel 76: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 76)
Channel 77: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 77)
Channel 78: Hardware assisted D-channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 78)
Channel 79: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 79)
Channel 80: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 80)
Channel 81: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 81)
Channel 82: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 82)
Channel 83: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 83)
Channel 84: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 84)
Channel 85: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 85)
Channel 86: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 86)
Channel 87: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 87)
Channel 88: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 88)
Channel 89: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 89)
Channel 90: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 90)
Channel 91: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 91)
Channel 92: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 92)
Channel 93: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 93)
Channel 94: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 94)
Channel 95: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 95)
Channel 96: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 96)
Channel 97: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 97)
Channel 98: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 98)
Channel 99: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 99)
Channel 100: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 100)
Channel 101: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 101)
Channel 102: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 102)
Channel 103: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 103)
Channel 104: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 104)
Channel 105: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 105)
Channel 106: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 106)
Channel 107: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 107)
Channel 108: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 108)
Channel 109: Hardware assisted D-channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 109)
Channel 110: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 110)
Channel 111: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 111)
Channel 112: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 112)
Channel 113: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 113)
Channel 114: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 114)
Channel 115: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 115)
Channel 116: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 116)
Channel 117: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 117)
Channel 118: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 118)
Channel 119: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 119)
Channel 120: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 120)
Channel 121: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 121)
Channel 122: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 122)
Channel 123: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 123)
Channel 124: Clear channel (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 124)
124 channels to configure.
Setting echocan for channel 1 to oslec
Setting echocan for channel 2 to oslec
Setting echocan for channel 3 to oslec
Setting echocan for channel 4 to oslec
Setting echocan for channel 5 to oslec
Setting echocan for channel 6 to oslec
Setting echocan for channel 7 to oslec
Setting echocan for channel 8 to oslec
Setting echocan for channel 9 to oslec
Setting echocan for channel 10 to oslec
Setting echocan for channel 11 to oslec
Setting echocan for channel 12 to oslec
Setting echocan for channel 13 to oslec
Setting echocan for channel 14 to oslec
Setting echocan for channel 15 to oslec
Setting echocan for channel 16 to none
Setting echocan for channel 17 to oslec
Setting echocan for channel 18 to oslec
Setting echocan for channel 19 to oslec
Setting echocan for channel 20 to oslec
Setting echocan for channel 21 to oslec
Setting echocan for channel 22 to oslec
Setting echocan for channel 23 to oslec
Setting echocan for channel 24 to oslec
Setting echocan for channel 25 to oslec
Setting echocan for channel 26 to oslec
Setting echocan for channel 27 to oslec
Setting echocan for channel 28 to oslec
Setting echocan for channel 29 to oslec
Setting echocan for channel 30 to oslec
Setting echocan for channel 31 to oslec
Setting echocan for channel 32 to none
Setting echocan for channel 33 to none
Setting echocan for channel 34 to none
Setting echocan for channel 35 to none
Setting echocan for channel 36 to none
Setting echocan for channel 37 to none
Setting echocan for channel 38 to none
Setting echocan for channel 39 to none
Setting echocan for channel 40 to none
Setting echocan for channel 41 to none
Setting echocan for channel 42 to none
Setting echocan for channel 43 to none
Setting echocan for channel 44 to none
Setting echocan for channel 45 to none
Setting echocan for channel 46 to none
Setting echocan for channel 47 to none
Setting echocan for channel 48 to none
Setting echocan for channel 49 to none
Setting echocan for channel 50 to none
Setting echocan for channel 51 to none
Setting echocan for channel 52 to none
Setting echocan for channel 53 to none
Setting echocan for channel 54 to none
Setting echocan for channel 55 to none
Setting echocan for channel 56 to none
Setting echocan for channel 57 to none
Setting echocan for channel 58 to none
Setting echocan for channel 59 to none
Setting echocan for channel 60 to none
Setting echocan for channel 61 to none
Setting echocan for channel 62 to none
Setting echocan for channel 63 to none
Setting echocan for channel 64 to none
Setting echocan for channel 65 to none
Setting echocan for channel 66 to none
Setting echocan for channel 67 to none
Setting echocan for channel 68 to none
Setting echocan for channel 69 to none
Setting echocan for channel 70 to none
Setting echocan for channel 71 to none
Setting echocan for channel 72 to none
Setting echocan for channel 73 to none
Setting echocan for channel 74 to none
Setting echocan for channel 75 to none
Setting echocan for channel 76 to none
Setting echocan for channel 77 to none
Setting echocan for channel 78 to none
Setting echocan for channel 79 to none
Setting echocan for channel 80 to none
Setting echocan for channel 81 to none
Setting echocan for channel 82 to none
Setting echocan for channel 83 to none
Setting echocan for channel 84 to none
Setting echocan for channel 85 to none
Setting echocan for channel 86 to none
Setting echocan for channel 87 to none
Setting echocan for channel 88 to none
Setting echocan for channel 89 to none
Setting echocan for channel 90 to none
Setting echocan for channel 91 to none
Setting echocan for channel 92 to none
Setting echocan for channel 93 to none
Setting echocan for channel 94 to none
Setting echocan for channel 95 to none
Setting echocan for channel 96 to none
Setting echocan for channel 97 to none
Setting echocan for channel 98 to none
Setting echocan for channel 99 to none
Setting echocan for channel 100 to none
Setting echocan for channel 101 to none
Setting echocan for channel 102 to none
Setting echocan for channel 103 to none
Setting echocan for channel 104 to none
Setting echocan for channel 105 to none
Setting echocan for channel 106 to none
Setting echocan for channel 107 to none
Setting echocan for channel 108 to none
Setting echocan for channel 109 to none
Setting echocan for channel 110 to none
Setting echocan for channel 111 to none
Setting echocan for channel 112 to none
Setting echocan for channel 113 to none
Setting echocan for channel 114 to none
Setting echocan for channel 115 to none
Setting echocan for channel 116 to none
Setting echocan for channel 117 to none
Setting echocan for channel 118 to none
Setting echocan for channel 119 to none
Setting echocan for channel 120 to none
Setting echocan for channel 121 to none
Setting echocan for channel 122 to none
Setting echocan for channel 123 to none
Setting echocan for channel 124 to none
После /etc/init.d/dahdi restart в dmesg только следующее:
[5723091.282337] wanpipe1: Enable E1 CCS signalling mode!
[5723091.282489] wanpipe2: Enable E1 CCS signalling mode!
[5723091.282559] wanpipe3: Enable E1 CCS signalling mode!
[5723091.282628] wanpipe4: Enable E1 CCS signalling mode!
После wanrouter restart в dmesg:
[5723170.093942] WANPIPE(tm) Hardware Support Module (c) 1994-2010 Sangoma Technologies Inc
[5723170.095110] usbcore: registered new interface driver sdlausb
[5723170.103984] WANPIPE(tm) Interface Support Module (c) 1994-2010 Sangoma Technologies Inc
[5723170.123922] WANPIPE(tm) Multi-Protocol WAN Driver Module (c) 1994-2010 Sangoma Technologies Inc
[5723170.123931] wanpipe: Probing for WANPIPE hardware.
[5723170.124267] wanpipe: AFT-A104-SH PCI T1/E1 card found (HDLC rev.18), cpu(s) 1, line(s) 4, bus #1, slot #6, i
rq #16
[5723170.124293] wanpipe: Allocating maximum 4 devices: wanpipe1 - wanpipe4.
[5723170.125752] WANPIPE: TDM Codecs Initialized
[5723170.137883] WANPIPE(tm) Socket API Module (c) 1994-2010 Sangoma Technologies Inc
[5723170.137894] NET: Registered protocol family 25
[5723170.157426] WANPIPE(tm) WANEC Layer (c) 1995-2006 Sangoma Technologies Inc.
[5723170.157434] wanec_create_dev: Registering Wanpipe ECDEV Device!
[5723170.169311] wanpipe1: Starting WAN Setup
[5723170.169319] Processing WAN device wanpipe1...
[5723170.169325] wanpipe1: Locating: A101/1D/2/2D/4/4D/8/8D/16/16D card, CPU A, PciBus=1, PciSlot=6
[5723170.169335] wanpipe1: Found: A101/1D/2/2D/4/4D/8/8D/16/16D card, CPU A, PciBus=1, PciSlot=6, Port=0
[5723170.169391] wanpipe1: AFT PCI memory at 0xFCF00000
[5723170.169395] wanpipe1: IRQ 16 allocated to the AFT PCI card
[5723170.169419] wanpipe1: Starting AFT 2/4/8 Hardware Init.
[5723170.169447] wanpipe1: Enabling front end link monitor
[5723170.169452] wanpipe1: Global Chip Configuration: used=1 used_type=1
[5723170.172798] wanpipe1: AFT Data Mux Bit Map: 0x01234567
[5723170.172812] wanpipe1: Configuring PMC COMET-QUAD E1 FE
[5723170.172816] wanpipe1: Port 1,HDB3,non-CRC4,120OH
[5723170.172820] wanpipe1: Clk Normal:0, Ch FFFFFFFF
[5723170.172824] wanpipe1: Sig Mode CCS
[5723170.258456] wanpipe1: Front end successful
[5723170.258687] wanpipe1: Front End Interface Ready 0xC0000000
[5723170.258692] wanpipe1: WARNING: No Echo Canceller channels are available!
[5723170.258708] wanpipe1: Configuring Device :wanpipe1 FrmVr=18
[5723170.258712] wanpipe1: Global MTU = 1500
[5723170.258715] wanpipe1: Global MRU = 1500
[5723170.258719] wanpipe1: Data Mux Map = 0x01234567
[5723170.258722] wanpipe1: Rx CRC Bytes = 0
[5723170.258726] wanpipe1: Memory: Card=59900 Wandev=1280 Card Union=9384
[5723170.258730] wanpipe1: Global TDM Int = Disabled
[5723170.258733] wanpipe1: Global TDM Ring= Disabled
[5723170.258736] wanpipe1: Global SPAN IRQ= RX/TX
[5723170.258740] wanpipe1: TDM HW TONE = Disabled
[5723170.258743] wanpipe1: TDMV Span = 1 : Enabled
[5723170.258747] wanpipe1: TDMV Dummy = Disabled
[5723170.258751] wanpipe1: RTP TAP = Disabled
[5723170.258880] wanpipe1: Initializing TE1 Voice functions
[5723170.258990] wanpipe1: Global Poll IRQ= Disabled
[5723170.259070] wanpipe1: Configuring Interface: w1g1
[5723170.259090] wanpipe1:w1g1: Running in TDM Voice Zaptel Mode.
[5723170.259107] wanpipe1: Fifo Level Map:0x01041040
[5723170.259120] wanpipe1: MRU :8 (Chunk/Period=8/1)
[5723170.259128] wanpipe1: MTU :8 (Chunk/Period=8/1)
[5723170.259137] wanpipe1: HDLC Eng :Off (Transparent) | N/A
[5723170.259150] wanpipe1: Data Mux Ctrl :On
[5723170.259158] wanpipe1: Active Ch Map :0x00000002
[5723170.259167] wanpipe1: First TSlot :1
[5723170.259186] wanpipe1: DMA/Len/Idle/ChainR/ChainT/EC :65/1024/8/Off/Off/Off
[5723170.259202] wanpipe1: Memory: Chan=4360
[5723170.259292] wanpipe1: Configuring Interface: w1g1 (log supress)
[5723170.259316] wanpipe1: Active Ch Map :0x00000004
[5723170.259322] wanpipe1: First TSlot :2
[5723170.259404] wanpipe1: Configuring Interface: w1g1 (log supress)
[5723170.259415] wanpipe1: Active Ch Map :0x00000008
[5723170.259419] wanpipe1: First TSlot :3
[5723170.259487] wanpipe1: Configuring Interface: w1g1 (log supress)
[5723170.259498] wanpipe1: Active Ch Map :0x00000010
[5723170.259501] wanpipe1: First TSlot :4
[5723170.259584] wanpipe1: Configuring Interface: w1g1 (log supress)
[5723170.259599] wanpipe1: Active Ch Map :0x00000020
[5723170.259603] wanpipe1: First TSlot :5
[5723170.259671] wanpipe1: Configuring Interface: w1g1 (log supress)
[5723170.259683] wanpipe1: Active Ch Map :0x00000040
[5723170.259687] wanpipe1: First TSlot :6
[5723170.259752] wanpipe1: Configuring Interface: w1g1 (log supress)
[5723170.259764] wanpipe1: Active Ch Map :0x00000080
[5723170.259768] wanpipe1: First TSlot :7
[5723170.259872] wanpipe1: Configuring Interface: w1g1 (log supress)
[5723170.259892] wanpipe1: Active Ch Map :0x00000100
[5723170.259898] wanpipe1: First TSlot :8
[5723170.259992] wanpipe1: Configuring Interface: w1g1 (log supress)
[5723170.260053] wanpipe1: Active Ch Map :0x00000200
[5723170.260077] wanpipe1: First TSlot :9
[5723170.260162] wanpipe1: Configuring Interface: w1g1 (log supress)
[5723170.260175] wanpipe1: Active Ch Map :0x00000400
[5723170.260178] wanpipe1: First TSlot :10
[5723170.260249] wanpipe1: Configuring Interface: w1g1 (log supress)
[5723170.260259] wanpipe1: Active Ch Map :0x00000800
[5723170.260263] wanpipe1: First TSlot :11
[5723170.260324] wanpipe1: Configuring Interface: w1g1 (log supress)
[5723170.260334] wanpipe1: Active Ch Map :0x00001000
[5723170.260338] wanpipe1: First TSlot :12
[5723170.260402] wanpipe1: Configuring Interface: w1g1 (log supress)
[5723170.260413] wanpipe1: Active Ch Map :0x00002000
[5723170.260417] wanpipe1: First TSlot :13
[5723170.260478] wanpipe1: Configuring Interface: w1g1 (log supress)
[5723170.260489] wanpipe1: Active Ch Map :0x00004000
[5723170.260493] wanpipe1: First TSlot :14
[5723170.260559] wanpipe1: Configuring Interface: w1g1 (log supress)
[5723170.260571] wanpipe1: Active Ch Map :0x00008000
[5723170.260574] wanpipe1: First TSlot :15
[5723170.260635] wanpipe1: Configuring Interface: w1g1
[5723170.260644] wanpipe1:w1g1: Running in TDM DCHAN Voice Zaptel Mode.
[5723170.260650] wanpipe1: MRU :1500
[5723170.260654] wanpipe1: MTU :1500
[5723170.260657] wanpipe1: HDLC Eng :On HW 8bit | N/A
[5723170.260660] wanpipe1: Data Mux Ctrl :Off
[5723170.260663] wanpipe1: Active Ch Map :0x00010000
[5723170.260666] wanpipe1: First TSlot :16
[5723170.260676] wanpipe1: DMA/Len/Idle/ChainR/ChainT/EC :65/4096/0/On/On/Off
[5723170.260749] wanpipe1: Configuring Interface: w1g1 (log supress)
[5723170.260761] wanpipe1: Active Ch Map :0x00020000
[5723170.260765] wanpipe1: First TSlot :17
[5723170.260828] wanpipe1: Configuring Interface: w1g1 (log supress)
[5723170.260839] wanpipe1: Active Ch Map :0x00040000
[5723170.260842] wanpipe1: First TSlot :18
[5723170.260904] wanpipe1: Configuring Interface: w1g1 (log supress)
[5723170.260917] wanpipe1: Active Ch Map :0x00080000
[5723170.260921] wanpipe1: First TSlot :19
[5723170.260984] wanpipe1: Configuring Interface: w1g1 (log supress)
[5723170.260996] wanpipe1: Active Ch Map :0x00100000
[5723170.261034] wanpipe1: First TSlot :20
[5723170.261099] wanpipe1: Configuring Interface: w1g1 (log supress)
[5723170.261111] wanpipe1: Active Ch Map :0x00200000
[5723170.261115] wanpipe1: First TSlot :21
[5723170.261177] wanpipe1: Configuring Interface: w1g1 (log supress)
[5723170.261188] wanpipe1: Active Ch Map :0x00400000
[5723170.261191] wanpipe1: First TSlot :22
[5723170.261256] wanpipe1: Configuring Interface: w1g1 (log supress)
[5723170.261269] wanpipe1: Active Ch Map :0x00800000
[5723170.261273] wanpipe1: First TSlot :23
[5723170.261340] wanpipe1: Configuring Interface: w1g1 (log supress)
[5723170.261354] wanpipe1: Active Ch Map :0x01000000
[5723170.261360] wanpipe1: First TSlot :24
[5723170.261431] wanpipe1: Configuring Interface: w1g1 (log supress)
[5723170.261445] wanpipe1: Active Ch Map :0x02000000
[5723170.261451] wanpipe1: First TSlot :25
[5723170.261519] wanpipe1: Configuring Interface: w1g1 (log supress)
[5723170.261533] wanpipe1: Active Ch Map :0x04000000
[5723170.261538] wanpipe1: First TSlot :26
[5723170.261605] wanpipe1: Configuring Interface: w1g1 (log supress)
[5723170.261621] wanpipe1: Active Ch Map :0x08000000
[5723170.261627] wanpipe1: First TSlot :27
[5723170.261699] wanpipe1: Configuring Interface: w1g1 (log supress)
[5723170.261713] wanpipe1: Active Ch Map :0x10000000
[5723170.261718] wanpipe1: First TSlot :28
[5723170.261789] wanpipe1: Configuring Interface: w1g1 (log supress)
[5723170.261803] wanpipe1: Active Ch Map :0x20000000
[5723170.261809] wanpipe1: First TSlot :29
[5723170.261877] wanpipe1: Configuring Interface: w1g1 (log supress)
[5723170.261892] wanpipe1: Active Ch Map :0x40000000
[5723170.261897] wanpipe1: First TSlot :30
[5723170.261965] wanpipe1: Configuring Interface: w1g1 (log supress)
[5723170.261978] wanpipe1: Configuring TDMV Master dev w1g1
[5723170.261988] wanpipe1: Active Ch Map :0x80000000
[5723170.261994] wanpipe1: First TSlot :31
[5723170.266911] wanpipe1: Wanpipe device is registered to Zaptel span # 1!
[5723170.267131] wanpipe1: TDM Timing Enabled 1 ms
[5723170.284112] wanpipe2: Starting WAN Setup
[5723170.284120] Processing WAN device wanpipe2...
[5723170.284126] wanpipe2: Locating: A101/1D/2/2D/4/4D/8/8D/16/16D card, CPU A, PciBus=1, PciSlot=6
[5723170.284137] wanpipe2: Found: A101/1D/2/2D/4/4D/8/8D/16/16D card, CPU A, PciBus=1, PciSlot=6, Port=1
[5723170.284158] wanpipe2: Starting AFT 2/4/8 Hardware Init.
[5723170.284192] wanpipe2: Enabling front end link monitor
[5723170.284200] wanpipe2: Global Chip Configuration skiped: used=2 used_type=2
[5723170.284217] wanpipe2: Configuring PMC COMET-QUAD E1 FE
[5723170.284222] wanpipe2: Port 2,HDB3,CRC4,120OH
[5723170.284226] wanpipe2: Clk Master:0, Ch FFFFFFFF
[5723170.284229] wanpipe2: Sig Mode CCS
[5723170.369969] wanpipe2: Front end successful
[5723170.370203] wanpipe2: Front End Interface Ready 0xC0000000
[5723170.370210] wanpipe2: WARNING: No Echo Canceller channels are available!
[5723170.370229] wanpipe2: Configuring Device :wanpipe2 FrmVr=18
[5723170.370232] wanpipe2: Global MTU = 1500
[5723170.370236] wanpipe2: Global MRU = 1500
[5723170.370240] wanpipe2: Data Mux Map = 0x01234567
[5723170.370243] wanpipe2: Rx CRC Bytes = 0
[5723170.370247] wanpipe2: Memory: Card=59900 Wandev=1280 Card Union=9384
[5723170.370251] wanpipe2: Global TDM Int = Disabled
[5723170.370254] wanpipe2: Global TDM Ring= Disabled
[5723170.370257] wanpipe2: Global SPAN IRQ= RX/TX
[5723170.370260] wanpipe2: TDM HW TONE = Disabled
[5723170.370263] wanpipe2: TDMV Span = 2 : Enabled
[5723170.370267] wanpipe2: TDMV Dummy = Disabled
[5723170.370273] wanpipe2: RTP TAP = Disabled
[5723170.370436] wanpipe2: Initializing TE1 Voice functions
[5723170.370552] wanpipe2: Global Poll IRQ= Disabled
[5723170.370560] wanpipe2: Configuring Interface: w2g1
[5723170.370577] wanpipe2:w2g1: Running in TDM Voice Zaptel Mode.
[5723170.370591] wanpipe2: MRU :8 (Chunk/Period=8/1)
[5723170.370597] wanpipe2: MTU :8 (Chunk/Period=8/1)
[5723170.370602] wanpipe2: HDLC Eng :Off (Transparent) | N/A
[5723170.370610] wanpipe2: Data Mux Ctrl :On
[5723170.370615] wanpipe2: Active Ch Map :0x00000002
[5723170.370622] wanpipe2: First TSlot :1
[5723170.370637] wanpipe2: DMA/Len/Idle/ChainR/ChainT/EC :65/1024/8/Off/Off/Off
[5723170.370650] wanpipe2: Memory: Chan=4360
[5723170.370739] wanpipe2: Configuring Interface: w2g1 (log supress)
[5723170.370759] wanpipe2: Active Ch Map :0x00000004
[5723170.370767] wanpipe2: First TSlot :2
[5723170.370861] wanpipe2: Configuring Interface: w2g1 (log supress)
[5723170.370884] wanpipe2: Active Ch Map :0x00000008
[5723170.370889] wanpipe2: First TSlot :3
[5723170.371040] wanpipe2: Configuring Interface: w2g1 (log supress)
[5723170.371070] wanpipe2: Active Ch Map :0x00000010
[5723170.371080] wanpipe2: First TSlot :4
[5723170.371188] wanpipe2: Configuring Interface: w2g1 (log supress)
[5723170.371206] wanpipe2: Active Ch Map :0x00000020
[5723170.371212] wanpipe2: First TSlot :5
[5723170.371317] wanpipe2: Configuring Interface: w2g1 (log supress)
[5723170.371335] wanpipe2: Active Ch Map :0x00000040
[5723170.371341] wanpipe2: First TSlot :6
[5723170.371439] wanpipe2: Configuring Interface: w2g1 (log supress)
[5723170.371458] wanpipe2: Active Ch Map :0x00000080
[5723170.371466] wanpipe2: First TSlot :7
[5723170.371541] wanpipe2: Configuring Interface: w2g1 (log supress)
[5723170.371554] wanpipe2: Active Ch Map :0x00000100
[5723170.371558] wanpipe2: First TSlot :8
[5723170.371623] wanpipe2: Configuring Interface: w2g1 (log supress)
[5723170.371635] wanpipe2: Active Ch Map :0x00000200
[5723170.371638] wanpipe2: First TSlot :9
[5723170.371702] wanpipe2: Configuring Interface: w2g1 (log supress)
[5723170.371712] wanpipe2: Active Ch Map :0x00000400
[5723170.371716] wanpipe2: First TSlot :10
[5723170.371779] wanpipe2: Configuring Interface: w2g1 (log supress)
[5723170.371790] wanpipe2: Active Ch Map :0x00000800
[5723170.371793] wanpipe2: First TSlot :11
[5723170.371859] wanpipe2: Configuring Interface: w2g1 (log supress)
[5723170.371872] wanpipe2: Active Ch Map :0x00001000
[5723170.371876] wanpipe2: First TSlot :12
[5723170.371938] wanpipe2: Configuring Interface: w2g1 (log supress)
[5723170.371949] wanpipe2: Active Ch Map :0x00002000
[5723170.371953] wanpipe2: First TSlot :13
[5723170.372070] wanpipe2: Configuring Interface: w2g1 (log supress)
[5723170.372081] wanpipe2: Active Ch Map :0x00004000
[5723170.372086] wanpipe2: First TSlot :14
[5723170.372155] wanpipe2: Configuring Interface: w2g1 (log supress)
[5723170.372165] wanpipe2: Active Ch Map :0x00008000
[5723170.372169] wanpipe2: First TSlot :15
[5723170.372233] wanpipe2: Configuring Interface: w2g1
[5723170.372243] wanpipe2:w2g1: Running in TDM DCHAN Voice Zaptel Mode.
[5723170.372248] wanpipe2: MRU :1500
[5723170.372252] wanpipe2: MTU :1500
[5723170.372255] wanpipe2: HDLC Eng :On HW 8bit | N/A
[5723170.372259] wanpipe2: Data Mux Ctrl :Off
[5723170.372262] wanpipe2: Active Ch Map :0x00010000
[5723170.372266] wanpipe2: First TSlot :16
[5723170.372275] wanpipe2: DMA/Len/Idle/ChainR/ChainT/EC :65/4096/0/On/On/Off
[5723170.372352] wanpipe2: Configuring Interface: w2g1 (log supress)
[5723170.372367] wanpipe2: Active Ch Map :0x00020000
[5723170.372374] wanpipe2: First TSlot :17
[5723170.372442] wanpipe2: Configuring Interface: w2g1 (log supress)
[5723170.372455] wanpipe2: Active Ch Map :0x00040000
[5723170.372460] wanpipe2: First TSlot :18
[5723170.372527] wanpipe2: Configuring Interface: w2g1 (log supress)
[5723170.372541] wanpipe2: Active Ch Map :0x00080000
[5723170.372547] wanpipe2: First TSlot :19
[5723170.372614] wanpipe2: Configuring Interface: w2g1 (log supress)
[5723170.372628] wanpipe2: Active Ch Map :0x00100000
[5723170.372634] wanpipe2: First TSlot :20
[5723170.372703] wanpipe2: Configuring Interface: w2g1 (log supress)
[5723170.372716] wanpipe2: Active Ch Map :0x00200000
[5723170.372722] wanpipe2: First TSlot :21
[5723170.372790] wanpipe2: Configuring Interface: w2g1 (log supress)
[5723170.372804] wanpipe2: Active Ch Map :0x00400000
[5723170.372811] wanpipe2: First TSlot :22
[5723170.372880] wanpipe2: Configuring Interface: w2g1 (log supress)
[5723170.372893] wanpipe2: Active Ch Map :0x00800000
[5723170.372896] wanpipe2: First TSlot :23
[5723170.372959] wanpipe2: Configuring Interface: w2g1 (log supress)
[5723170.372970] wanpipe2: Active Ch Map :0x01000000
[5723170.372974] wanpipe2: First TSlot :24
[5723170.373068] wanpipe2: Configuring Interface: w2g1 (log supress)
[5723170.373081] wanpipe2: Active Ch Map :0x02000000
[5723170.373085] wanpipe2: First TSlot :25
[5723170.373157] wanpipe2: Configuring Interface: w2g1 (log supress)
[5723170.373168] wanpipe2: Active Ch Map :0x04000000
[5723170.373172] wanpipe2: First TSlot :26
[5723170.373237] wanpipe2: Configuring Interface: w2g1 (log supress)
[5723170.373250] wanpipe2: Active Ch Map :0x08000000
[5723170.373253] wanpipe2: First TSlot :27
[5723170.373318] wanpipe2: Configuring Interface: w2g1 (log supress)
[5723170.373330] wanpipe2: Active Ch Map :0x10000000
[5723170.373334] wanpipe2: First TSlot :28
ну и так далее для всех четырех
Re: Эхо, возможно ли побороть?
Добавлено: 03 авг 2013, 19:17
Vlad1983 писал(а):с этими выдержками вроде нормально
смотреть на всех ли voip диалпирах стоит "no vad" и чтоб жестко был "voice-class codec 1", т.к. не только через 50 может ходить
Остальные dial-peer смотрят на другой сервер, поэтому вариант с прохождением по другому диалпиру отсутствует.
Re: Эхо, возможно ли побороть?
Добавлено: 03 авг 2013, 19:48
ded писал(а):Если пока без кошки: хоть один телефон зарегистрирован на Астериске где Е1? Если нет - зарегистрируйте. Если да - звонок с этого телефона в город - есть эхо тоже?
И ещё: покажите вывод
dahdi_cfg -vv
Ещё бы посмотреть вывод dmesg после перезагрузки dahdi
service dahdi restart
Проверил еще раз, при звонке между сип фоном и городским номером в сип телефоне слышно ощутимое эхо.
Re: Эхо, возможно ли побороть?
Добавлено: 03 авг 2013, 22:50
Врядле. Со стороны cisco 2851 стоят cisco ip phone, сип подключенный к астериску - iphone с 3cxphone.
Re: Эхо, возможно ли побороть?
Добавлено: 03 авг 2013, 23:34
Если при звонке между сип фоном и городским номером в сип телефоне слышно ощутимое эхо, то Cisco & cisco ipphones тут не при чём.
Прверьте ещё раз - всё ли сделано так, как тут изложено?
http://wiki.sangoma.com/wanpipe-zaptel- ... ec-install
Re: Эхо, возможно ли побороть?
Добавлено: 04 авг 2013, 14:37
Именно по этой инструкции и делал. Попробую снести и поставить снова.