Re: VoIP карты с Ali
Добавлено: 19 июн 2014, 15:31
Код: Выделить всё
cat /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf
Код: Выделить всё
cat /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf
Код: Выделить всё
;echocancel = 64
;dahdichan = 1-8
;group = 1
; Is somewhat equivalent to the following snippet in the section
#include /etc/asterisk/dahdi-channels.conf
echocancel = 64
group = 1
channel => 1-4
; When starting a new section almost all of the configuration values are
; copied from their values at the end of the section [channels] in
; chan_dahdi.conf and [general] in users.conf - one section's configuration
; does not affect another one's.
; Instead of letting common configuration values "slide through" you can
; use configuration templates to easily keep the common part in one
; place and override where needed.
;echocancel = yes
;group = 0,4
;callgroup = 3
;pickupgroup = 3
;threewaycalling = yes
;transfer = yes
;context = phones
;faxdetect = incoming
;dahdichan = 1
;callerid = My Name <501>
;mailbox = 501@mailboxes
;dahdichan = 2
;faxdetect = no
;context = fax
;dahdichan = 3
;pickupgroup = 3,4
ded писал(а):2) что говорит при командах
module unload
module load
Код: Выделить всё
asterisk*CLI> module unload
== Unregistered application 'DAHDISendKeypadFacility'
== Unregistered application 'DAHDISendCallreroutingFacility'
== Unregistered application 'DAHDIAcceptR2Call'
== Manager unregistered action DAHDIDialOffhook
== Manager unregistered action DAHDIHangup
== Manager unregistered action DAHDITransfer
== Manager unregistered action DAHDIDNDoff
== Manager unregistered action DAHDIDNDon
== Manager unregistered action DAHDIShowChannels
== Manager unregistered action DAHDIRestart
== Unregistered channel type 'DAHDI'
-- Unregistered channel -2
asterisk*CLI> module load
== Registered application 'DAHDISendKeypadFacility'
== Registered application 'DAHDISendCallreroutingFacility'
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf': == Found
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dahdi-channels.conf': == Found
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/users.conf': == Found
-- Automatically generated pseudo channel
[2014-06-19 17:46:28] WARNING[1434]: chan_dahdi.c:17433 process_dahdi: Ignoring any changes to 'userbase' (on reload) at line 23.
[2014-06-19 17:46:28] WARNING[1434]: chan_dahdi.c:17433 process_dahdi: Ignoring any changes to 'vmsecret' (on reload) at line 31.
[2014-06-19 17:46:28] WARNING[1434]: chan_dahdi.c:17433 process_dahdi: Ignoring any changes to 'hassip' (on reload) at line 35.
[2014-06-19 17:46:28] WARNING[1434]: chan_dahdi.c:17433 process_dahdi: Ignoring any changes to 'hasiax' (on reload) at line 39.
[2014-06-19 17:46:28] WARNING[1434]: chan_dahdi.c:17433 process_dahdi: Ignoring any changes to 'hasmanager' (on reload) at line 47.
== Registered channel type 'DAHDI' (DAHDI Telephony Driver w/PRI & SS7 & MFC/R2)
== Registered application 'DAHDIAcceptR2Call'
== Manager registered action DAHDITransfer
== Manager registered action DAHDIHangup
== Manager registered action DAHDIDialOffhook
== Manager registered action DAHDIDNDon
== Manager registered action DAHDIDNDoff
== Manager registered action DAHDIShowChannels
== Manager registered action DAHDIRestart
Loaded => (DAHDI Telephony Driver w/PRI & SS7 & MFC/R2)