Re: неправильная регистрация на гейткипере.
Добавлено: 23 мар 2015, 14:12
davidjonson, давайте мы подключим к нашим сетям ваш Астериск по Н.323, или по SIP. или IAX2, ибо уже результат сейчас будет ничтожный, по сравнению с усилиями.
Русский форум Asterisk сообщества
Voskresensk - это идентификатор гейткипера (gatekeeperIdentifier)davidjonson писал(а):Пока астериск как ендпоинт или шлюз не определится, что зона, с которой он должен быть ассоциирован, есть Podolsk_Asterisk, а не Voskresensk, дальше двигаться бесполезно
Это платный сервис? Услугу то хоть какую купили знаете? Что вам должны предоставить в рамках этой услуги?davidjonson писал(а):З.Ы. А принцип взаимодействия у нас в сети простой- "кошка бросила котят, пусть .... как хотят"
Код: Выделить всё
15:56:12:499 Trying to connect to remote endpoint( (IPv4) to setup H2250 channel (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1)
15:56:12:503 ERROR:Failed to connect to remote destination for transmit H2250 channel(outgoing, ooh323c_o_1, 43,
15:56:12:504 Trying to connect to remote endpoint( (IPv4) to setup H2250 channel (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1)
15:56:12:508 ERROR:Failed to connect to remote destination for transmit H2250 channel(outgoing, ooh323c_o_1, 43,
15:56:12:508 Trying to connect to remote endpoint( (IPv4) to setup H2250 channel (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1)
15:56:12:513 ERROR:Failed to connect to remote destination for transmit H2250 channel(outgoing, ooh323c_o_1, 43,
15:56:12:513 ERROR:Failed to create H225 connection to
Код: Выделить всё
15:56:12:513 In ooEndCall call state is - OO_CALL_CLEAR (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1)
15:56:12:513 Cleaning Call (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1)- reason:OO_REASON_NOUSER
ddkprog писал(а):без форматирования такое читать невозможно
пытайтесь вставить не в code а в quote, там пробелы не съедаются
и потом уже под спойлер
дальше кнопочку пред просмотр, будет ли это все вместе работать и не портить форматирование
16:21:47:838 Signalling IP address is set to
16:21:47:838 Listen port number is set to 1720
16:21:47:838 TCP port range initialize - successful
16:21:47:838 Added alias: H323ID - Podolsk_Asterisk
16:21:47:838 Gatekeeper Mode - RasUseSpecificGatekeeper
16:21:47:838 Gatekeeper IP:port set to -
16:21:47:838 Enabled RFC2833 DTMF capability for end-point
16:21:47:838 H323 listener creation - successful
16:21:47:839 H.323 Endpoint Configuration is as follows:
16:21:47:839 Trace File: /var/log/asterisk/h323_log
16:21:47:839 FastStart - enabled
16:21:47:839 H245 Tunneling - enabled
16:21:47:839 MediaWaitForConnect - disabled
16:21:47:839 AutoAnswer - disabled
16:21:47:839 Terminal Type - 60
16:21:47:839 T35 CountryCode - 184
16:21:47:839 T35 Extension - 0
16:21:47:839 Manufacturer Code - 39
16:21:47:839 ProductID - ooh323
16:21:47:839 VersionID - v0.8.3m
16:21:47:839 Local signalling IP address -
16:21:47:839 H225 ListenPort - 1720
16:21:47:839 CallerID - 1#8275410
16:21:47:839 Call Establishment Timeout - 60 seconds
16:21:47:839 MasterSlaveDetermination Timeout - 30 seconds
16:21:47:839 TerminalCapabilityExchange Timeout - 30 seconds
16:21:47:839 LogicalChannel Timeout - 30 seconds
16:21:47:839 Session Timeout - 15 seconds
16:21:47:839 Gatekeeper Client Configuration:
16:21:47:839 Gatekeeper mode - UseSpecificGatekeeper
16:21:47:839 Gatekeeper To Use -
16:21:47:840 H323 RAS channel creation - successful
16:21:47:840 Ras message encoding - successful
16:21:47:840 Sending RAS Message = {
16:21:47:840 gatekeeperRequest = {
16:21:47:840 requestSeqNum = {
16:21:47:840 1
16:21:47:840 }
16:21:47:840 protocolIdentifier = {
16:21:47:841 {
16:21:47:841 0 0 8 2250 0 4 }
16:21:47:841 }
16:21:47:841 rasAddress = {
16:21:47:841 ipAddress = {
16:21:47:841 ip = {
16:21:47:842 '0a2997be'H
16:21:47:842 }
16:21:47:842 port = {
16:21:47:842 13030
16:21:47:843 }
16:21:47:843 }
16:21:47:843 }
16:21:47:843 endpointType = {
16:21:47:843 vendor = {
16:21:47:844 vendor = {
16:21:47:844 t35CountryCode = {
16:21:47:844 184
16:21:47:844 }
16:21:47:845 t35Extension = {
16:21:47:845 0
16:21:47:845 }
16:21:47:846 manufacturerCode = {
16:21:47:846 39
16:21:47:846 }
16:21:47:847 }
16:21:47:847 productId = {
16:21:47:847 '6f6f68333233'H
16:21:47:847 }
16:21:47:848 versionId = {
16:21:47:848 '76302e382e336d'H
16:21:47:848 }
16:21:47:848 }
16:21:47:849 gateway = {
16:21:47:849 }
16:21:47:849 mc = {
16:21:47:849 FALSE
16:21:47:849 }
16:21:47:850 undefinedNode = {
16:21:47:850 FALSE
16:21:47:850 }
16:21:47:850 }
16:21:47:850 endpointAlias = {
16:21:47:850 elem[0] = {
16:21:47:851 h323_ID = {
16:21:47:851 Podolsk_Asterisk
16:21:47:851 }
16:21:47:852 }
16:21:47:852 }
16:21:47:852 }
16:21:47:852 }
16:21:47:852 Sent GRQ message
16:21:47:861 GkClient Received RAS Message
16:21:47:861 Received RAS Message = {
16:21:47:861 gatekeeperConfirm = {
16:21:47:861 requestSeqNum = {
16:21:47:861 1
16:21:47:861 }
16:21:47:861 protocolIdentifier = {
16:21:47:862 {
16:21:47:862 0 0 8 2250 0 4 }
16:21:47:862 }
16:21:47:862 gatekeeperIdentifier = {
16:21:47:862 Nikitsky2
16:21:47:863 }
16:21:47:863 rasAddress = {
16:21:47:863 ipAddress = {
16:21:47:863 ip = {
16:21:47:863 '5801ff3d'H
16:21:47:864 }
16:21:47:864 port = {
16:21:47:864 1719
16:21:47:865 }
16:21:47:865 }
16:21:47:865 }
16:21:47:865 alternateGatekeeper = {
16:21:47:865 elem[0] = {
16:21:47:866 rasAddress = {
16:21:47:866 ipAddress = {
16:21:47:866 ip = {
16:21:47:866 '5801ff3c'H
16:21:47:867 }
16:21:47:867 port = {
16:21:47:867 1719
16:21:47:868 }
16:21:47:868 }
16:21:47:869 }
16:21:47:869 gatekeeperIdentifier = {
16:21:47:869 Nikitsky
16:21:47:870 }
16:21:47:870 needToRegister = {
16:21:47:870 TRUE
16:21:47:870 }
16:21:47:871 priority = {
16:21:47:871 127
16:21:47:871 }
16:21:47:871 }
16:21:47:871 }
16:21:47:872 }
16:21:47:872 }
16:21:47:872 Gatekeeper Confirmed (GCF) message received.
16:21:47:872 Gatekeeper Confirmed
16:21:47:872 Deleted GRQ Timer.
16:21:47:872 Ras message encoding - successful
16:21:47:872 Sending RAS Message = {
16:21:47:872 registrationRequest = {
16:21:47:872 requestSeqNum = {
16:21:47:872 2
16:21:47:873 }
16:21:47:873 protocolIdentifier = {
16:21:47:873 {
16:21:47:873 0 0 8 2250 0 4 }
16:21:47:873 }
16:21:47:873 discoveryComplete = {
16:21:47:873 TRUE
16:21:47:874 }
16:21:47:874 callSignalAddress = {
16:21:47:874 elem[0] = {
16:21:47:874 ipAddress = {
16:21:47:874 ip = {
16:21:47:875 '0a2997be'H
16:21:47:875 }
16:21:47:875 port = {
16:21:47:876 1720
16:21:47:876 }
16:21:47:876 }
16:21:47:876 }
16:21:47:877 }
16:21:47:877 rasAddress = {
16:21:47:877 elem[0] = {
16:21:47:877 ipAddress = {
16:21:47:877 ip = {
16:21:47:878 '0a2997be'H
16:21:47:878 }
16:21:47:878 port = {
16:21:47:879 13030
16:21:47:879 }
16:21:47:879 }
16:21:47:879 }
16:21:47:880 }
16:21:47:880 terminalType = {
16:21:47:880 vendor = {
16:21:47:880 vendor = {
16:21:47:880 t35CountryCode = {
16:21:47:881 184
16:21:47:881 }
16:21:47:881 t35Extension = {
16:21:47:882 0
16:21:47:882 }
16:21:47:882 manufacturerCode = {
16:21:47:883 39
16:21:47:883 }
16:21:47:883 }
16:21:47:883 productId = {
16:21:47:884 '6f6f68333233'H
16:21:47:884 }
16:21:47:884 versionId = {
16:21:47:884 '76302e382e336d'H
16:21:47:885 }
16:21:47:885 }
16:21:47:885 gateway = {
16:21:47:885 protocol = {
16:21:47:886 elem[0] = {
16:21:47:886 voice = {
16:21:47:886 supportedPrefixes = {
16:21:47:887 }
16:21:47:887 }
16:21:47:887 }
16:21:47:888 }
16:21:47:888 }
16:21:47:888 mc = {
16:21:47:888 FALSE
16:21:47:889 }
16:21:47:889 undefinedNode = {
16:21:47:889 FALSE
16:21:47:889 }
16:21:47:889 }
16:21:47:890 terminalAlias = {
16:21:47:890 elem[0] = {
16:21:47:890 h323_ID = {
16:21:47:890 Podolsk_Asterisk
16:21:47:891 }
16:21:47:891 }
16:21:47:891 }
16:21:47:891 gatekeeperIdentifier = {
16:21:47:891 Nikitsky2
16:21:47:892 }
16:21:47:892 endpointVendor = {
16:21:47:892 vendor = {
16:21:47:892 t35CountryCode = {
16:21:47:893 184
16:21:47:893 }
16:21:47:893 t35Extension = {
16:21:47:893 0
16:21:47:894 }
16:21:47:894 manufacturerCode = {
16:21:47:894 39
16:21:47:895 }
16:21:47:895 }
16:21:47:895 productId = {
16:21:47:895 '6f6f68333233'H
16:21:47:895 }
16:21:47:896 versionId = {
16:21:47:896 '76302e382e336d'H
16:21:47:896 }
16:21:47:896 }
16:21:47:896 timeToLive = {
16:21:47:897 300
16:21:47:897 }
16:21:47:897 keepAlive = {
16:21:47:897 FALSE
16:21:47:897 }
16:21:47:897 willSupplyUUIEs = {
16:21:47:897 FALSE
16:21:47:898 }
16:21:47:898 }
16:21:47:898 }
16:21:47:898 Sent RRQ message
16:21:48:157 GkClient Received RAS Message
16:21:48:157 Received RAS Message = {
16:21:48:157 registrationConfirm = {
16:21:48:157 requestSeqNum = {
16:21:48:158 2
16:21:48:158 }
16:21:48:158 protocolIdentifier = {
16:21:48:158 {
16:21:48:158 0 0 8 2250 0 4 }
16:21:48:158 }
16:21:48:158 callSignalAddress = {
16:21:48:159 }
16:21:48:159 terminalAlias = {
16:21:48:159 elem[0] = {
16:21:48:159 h323_ID = {
16:21:48:159 Podolsk_Asterisk
16:21:48:160 }
16:21:48:160 }
16:21:48:160 }
16:21:48:161 gatekeeperIdentifier = {
16:21:48:161 Nikitsky2
16:21:48:161 }
16:21:48:161 endpointIdentifier = {
16:21:48:161 81541D1800000051
16:21:48:162 }
16:21:48:162 alternateGatekeeper = {
16:21:48:162 elem[0] = {
16:21:48:162 rasAddress = {
16:21:48:163 ipAddress = {
16:21:48:163 ip = {
16:21:48:163 '5801ff3c'H
16:21:48:164 }
16:21:48:164 port = {
16:21:48:164 1719
16:21:48:165 }
16:21:48:165 }
16:21:48:165 }
16:21:48:166 gatekeeperIdentifier = {
16:21:48:166 Nikitsky
16:21:48:166 }
16:21:48:166 needToRegister = {
16:21:48:167 TRUE
16:21:48:167 }
16:21:48:167 priority = {
16:21:48:168 127
16:21:48:168 }
16:21:48:168 }
16:21:48:168 }
16:21:48:168 timeToLive = {
16:21:48:169 300
16:21:48:169 }
16:21:48:169 willRespondToIRR = {
16:21:48:169 FALSE
16:21:48:169 }
16:21:48:169 maintainConnection = {
16:21:48:170 FALSE
16:21:48:170 }
16:21:48:170 }
16:21:48:170 }
16:21:48:170 Registration Confirm (RCF) message received
16:21:48:170 Gatekeeper supports KeepAlive, Registration TTL is 300
16:21:48:170 Deleted RRQ Timer.
16:21:48:170 GkClient Received RAS Message
16:21:48:170 Received RAS Message = {
16:21:48:170 infoRequest = {
16:21:48:170 requestSeqNum = {
16:21:48:170 48984
16:21:48:171 }
16:21:48:171 callReferenceValue = {
16:21:48:171 0
16:21:48:171 }
16:21:48:171 callIdentifier = {
16:21:48:171 guid = {
16:21:48:172 '00000000000000000000000000000000'H
16:21:48:172 }
16:21:48:172 }
16:21:48:172 segmentedResponseSupported = {
16:21:48:172 NULL
16:21:48:173 }
16:21:48:173 }
16:21:48:173 }
16:21:56:793 Processing MakeCall command ooh323c_o_1
16:21:56:793 Created a new call (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1)
16:21:56:793 Added remote alias 1#8275107 to call. (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1)
16:21:56:793 Enabled RTP/CISCO DTMF capability for (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1)
16:21:56:793 Enabled RFC2833 DTMF capability for (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1)
16:21:56:793 Dtmf mode set to H.245(alphanumeric) for (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1)
16:21:56:793 Dtmf mode set to H.245(signal) for (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1)
16:21:56:793 Adding call specific capability OO_T38. (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1)
16:21:56:794 Configured mediainfo for cap OO_T38 (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1)
16:21:56:794 Configured mediainfo for cap OO_T38 (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1)
16:21:56:794 INFO: FinCall returned b6c06e48 for call: ooh323c_o_1
16:21:56:806 INFO: FinCall returned b6c06e48 for call: ooh323c_o_1
16:21:56:806 INFO: FinCall returned b6c06e48 for call: ooh323c_o_1
16:21:56:806 INFO: create cmd connect for call: b6c06e48
16:21:56:815 Processing MakeCall command ooh323c_o_1
16:21:56:815 INFO: FinCall returned b6c06e48 for call: ooh323c_o_1
16:21:56:815 Parsing destination
16:21:56:815 Generated callRef 11
16:21:56:815 Building Admission Request for call (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1)
16:21:56:815 Ras message encoding - successful
16:21:56:815 Sending RAS Message = {
16:21:56:815 admissionRequest = {
16:21:56:815 requestSeqNum = {
16:21:56:815 3
16:21:56:815 }
16:21:56:816 callType = {
16:21:56:816 pointToPoint = {
16:21:56:816 NULL
16:21:56:816 }
16:21:56:816 }
16:21:56:816 callModel = {
16:21:56:817 direct = {
16:21:56:817 NULL
16:21:56:817 }
16:21:56:817 }
16:21:56:817 endpointIdentifier = {
16:21:56:818 81541D1800000051
16:21:56:818 }
16:21:56:818 destinationInfo = {
16:21:56:818 elem[0] = {
16:21:56:819 dialedDigits = {
16:21:56:819 "1#8275107"
16:21:56:819 }
16:21:56:819 }
16:21:56:820 }
16:21:56:820 destCallSignalAddress = {
16:21:56:820 ipAddress = {
16:21:56:820 ip = {
16:21:56:820 '5801ff3c'H
16:21:56:821 }
16:21:56:821 port = {
16:21:56:821 1720
16:21:56:821 }
16:21:56:822 }
16:21:56:822 }
16:21:56:822 srcInfo = {
16:21:56:822 elem[0] = {
16:21:56:822 h323_ID = {
16:21:56:823 Podolsk_Asterisk
16:21:56:823 }
16:21:56:823 }
16:21:56:824 }
16:21:56:824 srcCallSignalAddress = {
16:21:56:824 ipAddress = {
16:21:56:824 ip = {
16:21:56:825 '0a2997be'H
16:21:56:825 }
16:21:56:825 port = {
16:21:56:825 1720
16:21:56:826 }
16:21:56:826 }
16:21:56:826 }
16:21:56:826 bandWidth = {
16:21:56:826 100000
16:21:56:827 }
16:21:56:827 callReferenceValue = {
16:21:56:827 11
16:21:56:827 }
16:21:56:827 conferenceID = {
16:21:56:827 'abacadaeafb0b1b2b3b4b5b6b7b8b9ba'H
16:21:56:828 }
16:21:56:828 activeMC = {
16:21:56:828 FALSE
16:21:56:828 }
16:21:56:828 answerCall = {
16:21:56:828 FALSE
16:21:56:829 }
16:21:56:829 canMapAlias = {
16:21:56:829 FALSE
16:21:56:829 }
16:21:56:829 callIdentifier = {
16:21:56:829 guid = {
16:21:56:829 '6f6f68333233632dd535abffffffff84'H
16:21:56:830 }
16:21:56:830 }
16:21:56:830 gatekeeperIdentifier = {
16:21:56:830 Nikitsky2
16:21:56:831 }
16:21:56:831 willSupplyUUIEs = {
16:21:56:831 FALSE
16:21:56:831 }
16:21:56:831 }
16:21:56:831 }
16:21:56:831 Admission Request message sent for (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1)
16:21:56:850 GkClient Received RAS Message
16:21:56:850 Received RAS Message = {
16:21:56:850 admissionConfirm = {
16:21:56:851 requestSeqNum = {
16:21:56:851 3
16:21:56:851 }
16:21:56:851 bandWidth = {
16:21:56:851 100000
16:21:56:851 }
16:21:56:852 callModel = {
16:21:56:852 direct = {
16:21:56:852 NULL
16:21:56:852 }
16:21:56:852 }
16:21:56:853 destCallSignalAddress = {
16:21:56:853 ipAddress = {
16:21:56:853 ip = {
16:21:56:853 '5801ff3c'H
16:21:56:853 }
16:21:56:854 port = {
16:21:56:854 1720
16:21:56:854 }
16:21:56:854 }
16:21:56:855 }
16:21:56:855 irrFrequency = {
16:21:56:855 240
16:21:56:855 }
16:21:56:855 nonStandardData = {
16:21:56:855 nonStandardIdentifier = {
16:21:56:856 h221NonStandard = {
16:21:56:856 t35CountryCode = {
16:21:56:856 181
16:21:56:857 }
16:21:56:857 t35Extension = {
16:21:56:857 0
16:21:56:857 }
16:21:56:858 manufacturerCode = {
16:21:56:858 18
16:21:56:858 }
16:21:56:859 }
16:21:56:859 }
16:21:56:859 data = {
16:21:56:859 '0001400f0050006f0064006f006c0073006b005f0041007300740065007200690073006b01040040b5a843a0'H
16:21:56:860 }
16:21:56:860 }
16:21:56:860 willRespondToIRR = {
16:21:56:860 FALSE
16:21:56:860 }
16:21:56:860 uuiesRequested = {
16:21:56:861 setup = {
16:21:56:861 FALSE
16:21:56:861 }
16:21:56:861 callProceeding = {
16:21:56:861 FALSE
16:21:56:862 }
16:21:56:862 connect = {
16:21:56:862 FALSE
16:21:56:862 }
16:21:56:862 alerting = {
16:21:56:863 FALSE
16:21:56:863 }
16:21:56:863 information = {
16:21:56:863 FALSE
16:21:56:863 }
16:21:56:864 releaseComplete = {
16:21:56:864 FALSE
16:21:56:864 }
16:21:56:864 facility = {
16:21:56:864 FALSE
16:21:56:865 }
16:21:56:865 progress = {
16:21:56:865 FALSE
16:21:56:865 }
16:21:56:865 empty = {
16:21:56:866 FALSE
16:21:56:866 }
16:21:56:866 }
16:21:56:866 }
16:21:56:866 }
16:21:56:866 Admission Confirm (ACF) message received
16:21:56:866 Found Pending call(outgoing, ooh323c_o_1)
16:21:56:866 Deleted ARQ Timer.
16:21:56:866 Admission Confirm message received for (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1)
16:21:56:866 Trying to connect to remote endpoint( (IPv4) to setup H2250 channel (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1)
16:21:56:871 ERROR:Failed to connect to remote destination for transmit H2250 channel(outgoing, ooh323c_o_1, 25,
16:21:56:871 Trying to connect to remote endpoint( (IPv4) to setup H2250 channel (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1)
16:21:56:884 ERROR:Failed to connect to remote destination for transmit H2250 channel(outgoing, ooh323c_o_1, 25,
16:21:56:884 Trying to connect to remote endpoint( (IPv4) to setup H2250 channel (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1)
16:21:56:926 ERROR:Failed to connect to remote destination for transmit H2250 channel(outgoing, ooh323c_o_1, 25,
16:21:56:926 ERROR:Failed to create H225 connection to
16:21:56:926 In ooEndCall call state is - OO_CALL_CLEAR (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1)
16:21:56:927 Cleaning Call (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1)- reason:OO_REASON_NOUSER
16:21:56:927 Closing H.245 connection (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1)
16:21:56:927 Removing call b6c06e48: ooh323c_o_1
16:21:56:927 Removed call (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) from list
16:21:56:927 Ending Call Monitor thread