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Asterisk CDR в базу на MSSQL

Добавлено: 10 янв 2012, 13:35
Дня доброго.

Задача следующая: Запись CDR в базу на MSSQL.

Asterisk (Elastix)

FreeTDS установлен, настроен
в odbcinst.ini информация о FreeTDS добавлена
в odbc.ini dsn заведен
в freetds.ini сервер добавлен

что характерно
isql -v dbcdr asterisk password подключается и выполняет запросы
tsql -S serv -U asterisk -P password подключается и выполняет запросы

из чего делаю вывод что системные "конфиги" настроены правильно.

Далее, в файле cdr.conf информация об odbc есть

Код: Выделить всё

В файле cdr_odbc.conf информация о необходимом DSN есть

Код: Выделить всё

; cdr_odbc.conf

На всякий случай файл cdr_tds.conf пустой.

Это навеяно документацией от астериска, в которой написано, http://www.mail-archive.com/svn-commits ... 39945.html мол не пытайтесь и так и так одновременно, можно только одним из способов cdr_odbc или cdr_tds

Вроде всё должно работать, на Asterisk этого было необходимо и достаточно.

Но тут не работает:

Команда cdr show status даёт следующее:

Код: Выделить всё

Call Detail Record (CDR) settings
  Logging:                    Enabled
  Mode:                       Simple
  Log unanswered calls:       Yes

* Registered Backends
Вопрос: Откуда астериск берет список зарегистрированных Backend-ов и как туда odbc добавить?

Re: Asterisk CDR в базу на MSSQL

Добавлено: 10 янв 2012, 16:13
Что говориит

Код: Выделить всё

*CLI> odbc show all 
ODBC DSN Settings

Я так понимаю - берёт из наличия модуля + наличия правильного конфига.
Модули у Вас вроде такие есть -
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 24256 Jun 9 2010 /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/cdr_adaptive_odbc.so
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 14040 Jun 9 2010 /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/cdr_odbc.so
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 32184 Jun 9 2010 /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/func_odbc.so
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 18208 Jun 9 2010 /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/res_config_odbc.so
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 26776 Jun 9 2010 /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/res_odbc.so
значит дело в конфигах.
Возможно, при глобальных изменениях нужно было бы
module reload func_odbc.so
module reload cdr_odbc.so
И/или пытаться это решать через
cdr_adaptive_odbc.so Adaptive ODBC CDR backend

Re: Asterisk CDR в базу на MSSQL

Добавлено: 10 янв 2012, 19:25
Да дело наверное и в том что команлы в cli поменяли многие
с упоминанием odbc help вообще не возвращает

есть такие:

Код: Выделить всё

*CLI> core show help
                             ! Execute a shell command
                    ael reload Reload AEL configuration
ael set debug {read|tokens|mac Enable AEL debugging flags
                  agent logoff Sets an agent offline
                    agent show Show status of agents
             agent show online Show all online agents
                 agi dump html Dumps a list of AGI commands in HTML format
                      agi exec Add AGI command to a channel in Async AGI
        agi set debug [on|off] Enable/Disable AGI debugging
     agi show commands [topic] List AGI commands or specific help
               cb mysql status Show connection status of CBMySQL
              cdr mysql status Show connection status of cdr_mysql
               cdr show status Display the CDR status
             channel originate Originate a call
              channel redirect Redirect a call
        channel request hangup Request a hangup on a given channel
         cli check permissions Try a permissions config for a user
        cli reload permissions Reload CLI permissions config
              cli show aliases Show CLI command aliases
          cli show permissions Show CLI permissions
                   config list Show all files that have loaded a configuration file
                 config reload Force a reload on modules using a particular configuration file
           core abort shutdown Cancel a running shutdown
            core clear profile Clear profiling info
       core ping taskprocessor Ping a named task processor
       core restart gracefully Restart Asterisk gracefully
              core restart now Restart Asterisk immediately
  core restart when convenient Restart Asterisk at empty call volume
        core set debug channel Enable/disable debugging on a channel
      core set {debug|verbose} Set level of debug/verbose chattiness
core show applications [like|d Shows registered dialplan applications
         core show application Describe a specific dialplan application
      core show calls [uptime] Display information on calls
core show channels [concise|ve Display information on channels
             core show channel Display information on a specific channel
        core show channeltypes List available channel types
         core show channeltype Give more details on that channel type
core show codecs [audio|video| Displays a list of codecs
               core show codec Shows a specific codec
     core show config mappings Display config mappings (file names to config engines)
        core show file formats Displays file formats
 core show file version [like] List versions of files used to build Asterisk
    core show functions [like] Shows registered dialplan functions
            core show function Describe a specific dialplan function
                core show help Display help list, or specific help on a command
               core show hints Show dialplan hints
                core show hint Show dialplan hint
       core show image formats Displays image formats
             core show license Show the license(s) for this copy of Asterisk
             core show profile Display profiling info
            core show settings Show some core settings
            core show switches Show alternative switches
             core show sysinfo Show System Information
      core show taskprocessors List instantiated task processors and statistics
             core show threads Show running threads
core show translation [recalc] Display translation matrix
    core show uptime [seconds] Show uptime information
             core show version Display version info
            core show warranty Show the warranty (if any) for this copy of Asterisk
          core stop gracefully Gracefully shut down Asterisk
                 core stop now Shut down Asterisk immediately
     core stop when convenient Shut down Asterisk at empty call volume
          core waitfullybooted Wait for Asterisk to be fully booted
         dahdi destroy channel Destroy a channel
                 dahdi restart Fully restart DAHDI channels
                 dahdi set dnd Sets/resets DND (Do Not Disturb) mode on a channel
              dahdi set hwgain Set hardware gain on a channel
              dahdi set swgain Set software gain on a channel
           dahdi show cadences List cadences
dahdi show channels [trunkgrou Show active DAHDI channels
            dahdi show channel Show information on a channel
             dahdi show status Show all DAHDI cards status
            dahdi show version Show the DAHDI version in use
                  database del Removes database key/value
              database deltree Removes database keytree/values
                  database get Gets database value
                  database put Adds/updates database value
                 database show Shows database contents
              database showkey Shows database contents
               devstate change Change a custom device state
                 devstate list List currently known custom device states
        dialplan add extension Add new extension into context
        dialplan add ignorepat Add new ignore pattern
          dialplan add include Include context in other context
                dialplan debug Show fast extension pattern matching data structures
               dialplan reload Reload extensions and *only* extensions
     dialplan remove extension Remove a specified extension
     dialplan remove ignorepat Remove ignore pattern from context
       dialplan remove include Remove a specified include from context
          dialplan set chanvar Set a channel variable
dialplan set extenpatternmatch Use the Old extension pattern matching algorithm.
dialplan set extenpatternmatch Use the New extension pattern matching algorithm.
           dialplan set global Set global dialplan variable
         dialplan show chanvar Show channel variables
         dialplan show globals Show global dialplan variables
                 dialplan show Show dialplan
                dnsmgr refresh Performs an immediate refresh
                 dnsmgr reload Reloads the DNS manager configuration
                 dnsmgr status Display the DNS manager status
           dundi flush [stats] Flush DUNDi cache
                  dundi lookup Lookup a number in DUNDi
                dundi precache Precache a number in DUNDi
                   dundi query Query a DUNDi EID
      dundi set debug {on|off} Enable/Disable DUNDi debugging
           dundi show entityid Display Global Entity ID
           dundi show mappings Show DUNDi mappings
dundi show peers [registered|i Show defined DUNDi peers
               dundi show peer Show info on a specific DUNDi peer
           dundi show precache Show DUNDi precache
           dundi show requests Show DUNDi requests
              dundi show trans Show active DUNDi transactions
  dundi store history {on|off} Enable/Disable DUNDi historic records
               features reload Reloads configured features
                 features show Lists configured features
                  file convert Convert audio file
           group show channels Display active channels with group(s)
                hangup request <no description available>
                          help <no description available>
              http show status Display HTTP server status
                iax2 provision Provision an IAX device
           iax2 prune realtime Prune a cached realtime lookup
                   iax2 reload Reload IAX configuration
  iax2 set debug {on|off|peer} Enable/Disable IAX debugging
    iax2 set debug jb {on|off} Enable/Disable IAX jitterbuffer debugging
 iax2 set debug trunk {on|off} Enable/Disable IAX trunk debugging
                  iax2 set mtu Set the IAX systemwide trunking MTU
               iax2 show cache Display IAX cached dialplan
    iax2 show callnumber usage Show current entries in IP call number limit table
            iax2 show channels List active IAX channels
            iax2 show firmware List available IAX firmware
            iax2 show netstats List active IAX channel netstats
                iax2 show peer Show details on specific IAX peer
               iax2 show peers List defined IAX peers
        iax2 show provisioning Display iax provisioning
            iax2 show registry Display IAX registration status
               iax2 show stats Display IAX statistics
             iax2 show threads Display IAX helper thread info
        iax2 show users [like] List defined IAX users
             iax2 test losspct Set IAX2 incoming frame loss percentage
               iax2 unregister Unregister (force expiration) an IAX2 peer from the registry
                indication add Add the given indication to the country
             indication remove Remove the given indication from the country
               indication show Display a list of all countries/indications
                     keys init Initialize RSA key passcodes
                     keys show Displays RSA key information
           local show channels List status of local channels
                   logger mute Toggle logging output to a console
                 logger reload Reopens the log files
                 logger rotate Rotates and reopens the log files
logger set level {DEBUG|NOTICE Enables/Disables a specific logging level for this console
          logger show channels List configured log channels
                manager reload Reload manager configurations
    manager set debug [on|off] Show, enable, disable debugging of the manager code
          manager show command Show a manager interface command
         manager show commands List manager interface commands
        manager show connected List connected manager interface users
           manager show eventq List manager interface queued events
            manager show users List configured manager users
             manager show user Display information on a specific manager user
meetme {lock|unlock|mute|unmut Execute a command on a conference or conferee
         meetme list [concise] List all or one conference
     mfcr2 call files [on|off] Enable/Disable MFC/R2 call files
             mfcr2 set blocked Reset MFC/R2 channel forcing it to BLOCKED
               mfcr2 set debug Set MFC/R2 channel logging level
                mfcr2 set idle Reset MFC/R2 channel forcing it to IDLE
mfcr2 show channels [group|con Show MFC/R2 channels
           mfcr2 show variants Show supported MFC/R2 variants
            mfcr2 show version Show OpenR2 library version
           mgcp audit endpoint Audit specified MGCP endpoint
                   mgcp reload Reload MGCP configuration
       mgcp set debug {on|off} Enable/Disable MGCP debugging
           mgcp show endpoints List defined MGCP endpoints
          minivm list accounts List defined mini-voicemail boxes
         minivm list templates List message templates
             minivm list zones List zone message formats
                 minivm reload Reload Mini-voicemail configuration
          minivm show settings Show mini-voicemail general settings
             minivm show stats Show some mini-voicemail statistics
       mixmonitor {start|stop} Execute a MixMonitor command
                   module load Load a module by name
                 module reload Reload configuration
            module show [like] List modules and info
                 module unload Unload a module by name
                    moh reload Reload MusicOnHold
              moh show classes List MusicOnHold classes
                moh show files List MusicOnHold file-based classes
              no debug channel Disable debugging on channel(s)
                     originate <no description available>
              parkedcalls show List currently parked calls
         phoneprov show routes Show registered phoneprov http routes
        pri intense debug span <no description available>
pri set debug {on|off|0|1|2} s Enables PRI debugging on a span
            pri set debug file Sends PRI debug output to the specified file
                pri show debug Displays current PRI debug settings
                pri show spans Displays PRI Information
                 pri show span Displays PRI Information
              pri show version Displays libpri version
              queue add member Add a channel to a specified queue
queue reload {parameters|membe Reload queues, members, queue rules, or parameters
           queue remove member Removes a channel from a specified queue
             queue reset stats Reset statistics for a queue
             queue set penalty Set penalty for a channel of a specified queue
                    queue show Show status of a specified queue
  queue {pause|unpause} member Pause or unpause a queue member
              queue show rules Show the rules defined in queuerules.conf
              realtime destroy Delete a row from a RealTime database
                 realtime load Used to print out RealTime variables.
          realtime mysql cache Shows cached tables within the MySQL realtime driver
         realtime mysql status Shows connection information for the MySQL RealTime driver
     realtime show pgsql cache Shows cached tables within the PostgreSQL realtime driver
    realtime show pgsql status Shows connection information for the PostgreSQL RealTime driver
                realtime store Store a new row into a RealTime database
               realtime update Used to update RealTime variables.
              realtime update2 Used to test the RealTime update2 method
                        reload <no description available>
    rtcp set debug {on|off|ip} Enable/Disable RTCP debugging
       rtcp set stats {on|off} Enable/Disable RTCP stats
     rtp set debug {on|off|ip} Enable/Disable RTP debugging
            say load [new|old] Set or show the say mode
                    sip notify Send a notify packet to a SIP peer
 sip prune realtime [peer|all] Prune cached Realtime users/peers
              sip qualify peer Send an OPTIONS packet to a peer
                    sip reload Reload SIP configuration
sip set debug {on|off|ip|peer} Enable/Disable SIP debugging
      sip set history {on|off} Enable/Disable SIP history
sip show {channels|subscriptio List active SIP channels or subscriptions
         sip show channelstats List statistics for active SIP channels
              sip show channel Show detailed SIP channel info
              sip show domains List our local SIP domains
              sip show history Show SIP dialog history
                sip show inuse List all inuse/limits
                  sip show mwi Show MWI subscriptions
              sip show objects List all SIP object allocations
                sip show peers List defined SIP peers
                 sip show peer Show details on specific SIP peer
             sip show registry List SIP registration status
                sip show sched Present a report on the status of the sched queue
             sip show settings Show SIP global settings
                  sip show tcp List TCP Connections
                sip show users List defined SIP users
                 sip show user Show details on specific SIP user
                sip unregister Unregister (force expiration) a SIP peer from the registry
                 skinny reload Reload Skinny config
                  skinny reset Reset Skinny device(s)
     skinny set debug {off|on} Enable/Disable Skinny debugging
           skinny show devices List defined Skinny devices
            skinny show device List Skinny device information
   skinny show lines [verbose] List defined Skinny lines per device
              skinny show line List Skinny line information
          skinny show settings List global Skinny settings
             sla show stations Show SLA Stations
               sla show trunks Show SLA Trunks
       stun set debug {on|off} Enable/Disable STUN debugging
                   timing test Run a timing test
               transcoder show Display DAHDI transcoder utilization.
   udptl set debug {on|off|ip} Enable/Disable UDPTL debugging
                        ulimit Set or show process resource limits
                unistim reload Reload UNISTIM configuration
           unistim send packet Send packet (for reverse engineering)
    unistim set debug {on|off} Toggle UNITSTIM debugging
             unistim show info Show UNISTIM info
              voicemail reload Reload voicemail configuration
          voicemail show users List defined voicemail boxes
          voicemail show zones List zone message formats
                       woomera Prints Woomera options
в версии 1.4 * я файлы

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 32184 Jun 9 2010 /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/func_odbc.so
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 18208 Jun 9 2010 /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/res_config_odbc.so
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 26776 Jun 9 2010 /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/res_odbc.so

вообще не трогал. видимо придётся, а что делать.

module show даёт такое

Код: Выделить всё

*CLI> module show
Module                         Description                              Use Count
pbx_config.so                  Text Extension Configuration             0       
chan_local.so                  Local Proxy Channel (Note: used internal 0       
res_monitor.so                 Call Monitoring Resource                 0       
res_smdi.so                    Simplified Message Desk Interface (SMDI) 0       
res_speech.so                  Generic Speech Recognition API           0       
res_agi.so                     Asterisk Gateway Interface (AGI)         1       
res_phoneprov.so               HTTP Phone Provisioning                  0       
res_ael_share.so               share-able code for AEL                  0       
res_config_ldap.so             LDAP realtime interface                  0       
res_snmp.so                    SNMP [Sub]Agent for Asterisk             0       
res_config_pgsql.so            PostgreSQL RealTime Configuration Driver 0       
format_wav.so                  Microsoft WAV format (8000Hz Signed Line 0       
format_pcm.so                  Raw/Sun uLaw/ALaw 8KHz (PCM,PCMA,AU), G. 0       
format_mp3.so                  MP3 format [Any rate but 8000hz mono is  0       
res_musiconhold.so             Music On Hold Resource                   0       
format_g726.so                 Raw G.726 (16/24/32/40kbps) data         0       
codec_ulaw.so                  mu-Law Coder/Decoder                     0       
codec_adpcm.so                 Adaptive Differential PCM Coder/Decoder  0       
func_sysinfo.so                System information related functions     0       
res_convert.so                 File format conversion CLI command       0       
func_shell.so                  Returns the output of a shell command    0       
chan_bridge.so                 Bridge Interaction Channel               0       
pbx_spool.so                   Outgoing Spool Support                   0       
func_math.so                   Mathematical dialplan function           0       
app_ices.so                    Encode and Stream via icecast and ices   0       
res_timing_pthread.so          pthread Timing Interface                 0       
app_minivm.so                  Mini VoiceMail (A minimal Voicemail e-ma 0       
app_nbscat.so                  Silly NBS Stream Application             0       
cdr_addon_mysql.so             MySQL CDR Backend                        0       
app_getcpeid.so                Get ADSI CPE ID                          0       
app_image.so                   Image Transmission Application           0       
app_while.so                   While Loops and Conditional Execution    0       
codec_speex.so                 Speex Coder/Decoder                      0       
func_dialplan.so               Dialplan Context/Extension/Priority Chec 0       
app_disa.so                    DISA (Direct Inward System Access) Appli 0       
app_waituntil.so               Wait until specified time                0       
func_config.so                 Asterisk configuration file variable acc 0       
app_mixmonitor.so              Mixed Audio Monitoring Application       0       
app_controlplayback.so         Control Playback Application             0       
format_g729.so                 Raw G729 data                            0       
func_enum.so                   ENUM related dialplan functions          0       
chan_iax2.so                   Inter Asterisk eXchange (Ver 2)          0       
format_ogg_vorbis.so           OGG/Vorbis audio                         0       
pbx_ael.so                     Asterisk Extension Language Compiler     0       
bridge_softmix.so              Multi-party software based channel mixin 0       
pbx_dundi.so                   Distributed Universal Number Discovery ( 0       
cdr_custom.so                  Customizable Comma Separated Values CDR  0       
chan_agent.so                  Agent Proxy Channel                      0       
func_cut.so                    Cut out information from a string        0       
app_dial.so                    Dialing Application                      0       
app_verbose.so                 Send verbose output                      0       
app_fax.so                     Simple FAX Application                   0       
app_stack.so                   Dialplan subroutines (Gosub, Return, etc 0       
chan_unistim.so                UNISTIM Protocol (USTM)                  0       
cdr_csv.so                     Comma Separated Values CDR Backend       0       
bridge_builtin_features.so     Built in bridging features               1       
func_curl.so                   Load external URL                        0       
codec_alaw.so                  A-law Coder/Decoder                      0       
app_dahdibarge.so              Barge in on DAHDI channel application    0       
cdr_sqlite3_custom.so          SQLite3 Custom CDR Module                0       
res_curl.so                    cURL Resource Module                     0       
func_extstate.so               Gets an extension's state in the dialpla 0       
format_h263.so                 Raw H.263 data                           0       
app_queue.so                   True Call Queueing                       0       
codec_g726.so                  ITU G.726-32kbps G726 Transcoder         0       
app_sayunixtime.so             Say time                                 0       
func_audiohookinherit.so       Audiohook inheritance function           0       
func_dialgroup.so              Dialgroup dialplan function              0       
func_sha1.so                   SHA-1 computation dialplan function      0       
codec_gsm.so                   GSM Coder/Decoder                        0       
func_groupcount.so             Channel group dialplan functions         0       
res_crypto.so                  Cryptographic Digital Signatures         0       
app_url.so                     Send URL Applications                    0       
func_timeout.so                Channel timeout dialplan functions       0       
res_config_mysql.so            MySQL RealTime Configuration Driver      0       
cdr_manager.so                 Asterisk Manager Interface CDR Backend   0       
format_siren14.so              ITU G.722.1 Annex C (Siren14, licensed f 0       
res_realtime.so                Realtime Data Lookup/Rewrite             0       
app_playtones.so               Playtones Application                    0       
codec_a_mu.so                  A-law and Mulaw direct Coder/Decoder     0       
res_clioriginate.so            Call origination and redirection from th 0       
func_rand.so                   Random number dialplan function          0       
app_dahdiras.so                DAHDI ISDN Remote Access Server          0       
format_vox.so                  Dialogic VOX (ADPCM) File Format         0       
codec_lpc10.so                 LPC10 2.4kbps Coder/Decoder              0       
func_callerid.so               Caller ID related dialplan functions     0       
app_page.so                    Page Multiple Phones                     0       
app_adsiprog.so                Asterisk ADSI Programming Application    0       
app_readfile.so                Stores output of file into a variable    0       
app_voicemail.so               Comedian Mail (Voicemail System)         0       
func_iconv.so                  Charset conversions                      0       
app_dahdiscan.so               Scan DAHDI channels application          0       
format_sln.so                  Raw Signed Linear Audio support (SLN)    0       
app_addon_sql_mysql.so         Simple Mysql Interface                   0       
func_aes.so                    AES dialplan functions                   0       
app_chanisavail.so             Check channel availability               0       
app_cdr.so                     Tell Asterisk to not maintain a CDR for  0       
func_lock.so                   Dialplan mutexes                         0       
app_followme.so                Find-Me/Follow-Me Application            0       
app_forkcdr.so                 Fork The CDR into 2 separate entities    0       
chan_skinny.so                 Skinny Client Control Protocol (Skinny)  0       
app_waitforsilence.so          Wait For Silence                         0       
app_directory.so               Extension Directory                      0       
format_g723.so                 G.723.1 Simple Timestamp File Format     0       
func_blacklist.so              Look up Caller*ID name/number from black 0       
app_flash.so                   Flash channel application                0       
app_externalivr.so             External IVR Interface Application       0       
app_system.so                  Generic System() application             0       
app_dictate.so                 Virtual Dictation Machine                0       
app_exec.so                    Executes dialplan applications           0       
func_module.so                 Checks if Asterisk module is loaded in m 0       
app_alarmreceiver.so           Alarm Receiver for Asterisk              0       
cdr_pgsql.so                   PostgreSQL CDR Backend                   0       
app_softhangup.so              Hangs up the requested channel           0       
chan_mgcp.so                   Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP)    0       
app_mp3.so                     Silly MP3 Application                    0       
app_sendtext.so                Send Text Applications                   0       
func_db.so                     Database (astdb) related dialplan functi 0       
func_cdr.so                    Call Detail Record (CDR) dialplan functi 0       
app_cbmysql.so                 CBMysql conference scheduling            0       
format_siren7.so               ITU G.722.1 (Siren7, licensed from Polyc 0       
func_global.so                 Variable dialplan functions              0       
app_meetme.so                  MeetMe conference bridge                 0       
app_sms.so                     SMS/PSTN handler                         0       
func_sprintf.so                SPRINTF dialplan function                0       
app_talkdetect.so              Playback with Talk Detection             0       
res_timing_dahdi.so            DAHDI Timing Interface                   1       
format_jpeg.so                 jpeg (joint picture experts group) image 0       
func_md5.so                    MD5 digest dialplan functions            0       
app_transfer.so                Transfers a caller to another extension  0       
app_test.so                    Interface Test Application               0       
func_uri.so                    URI encode/decode dialplan functions     0       
app_read.so                    Read Variable Application                0       
bridge_multiplexed.so          Multiplexed two channel bridging module  0       
pbx_loopback.so                Loopback Switch                          0       
func_version.so                Get Asterisk Version/Build Info          0       
chan_ooh323.so                 Objective Systems H323 Channel           0       
res_config_curl.so             Realtime Curl configuration              0       
func_logic.so                  Logical dialplan functions               0       
app_record.so                  Trivial Record Application               0       
pbx_realtime.so                Realtime Switch                          0       
app_authenticate.so            Authentication Application               0       
func_vmcount.so                Indicator for whether a voice mailbox ha 0       
app_morsecode.so               Morse code                               0       
app_dumpchan.so                Dump Info About The Calling Channel      0       
res_limit.so                   Resource limits                          0       
app_amd.so                     Answering Machine Detection Application  0       
codec_g722.so                  ITU G.722-64kbps G722 Transcoder         0       
format_sln16.so                Raw Signed Linear 16KHz Audio support (S 0       
app_speech_utils.so            Dialplan Speech Applications             0       
func_volume.so                 Technology independent volume control    0       
app_privacy.so                 Require phone number to be entered, if n 0       
app_milliwatt.so               Digital Milliwatt (mu-law) Test Applicat 0       
app_saycountpl.so              Say polish counting words                0       
chan_phone.so                  Linux Telephony API Support              0       
func_devstate.so               Gets or sets a device state in the dialp 0       
func_strings.so                String handling dialplan functions       0       
app_macro.so                   Extension Macros                         0       
app_festival.so                Simple Festival Interface                0       
bridge_simple.so               Simple two channel bridging module       0       
app_originate.so               Originate call                           0       
app_zapateller.so              Block Telemarketers with Special Informa 0       
func_realtime.so               Read/Write/Store/Destroy values from a R 0       
chan_dahdi.so                  DAHDI Telephony Driver w/PRI & MFC/R2    0       
res_clialiases.so              CLI Aliases                              0       
codec_dahdi.so                 Generic DAHDI Transcoder Codec Translato 0       
chan_sip.so                    Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)        0       
app_directed_pickup.so         Directed Call Pickup Application         0       
format_ilbc.so                 Raw iLBC data                            0       
format_h264.so                 Raw H.264 data                           0       
app_channelredirect.so         Redirects a given channel to a dialplan  0       
format_wav_gsm.so              Microsoft WAV format (Proprietary GSM)   0       
app_parkandannounce.so         Call Parking and Announce Application    0       
res_adsi.so                    ADSI Resource                            0       
app_senddtmf.so                Send DTMF digits Application             0       
app_userevent.so               Custom User Event Application            0       
app_echo.so                    Simple Echo Application                  0       
format_gsm.so                  Raw GSM data                             0       
func_channel.so                Channel information dialplan functions   0       
app_readexten.so               Read and evaluate extension validity     0       
app_db.so                      Database Access Functions                0       
app_setcallerid.so             Set CallerID Presentation Application    0       
app_playback.so                Sound File Playback Application          0       
app_chanspy.so                 Listen to the audio of an active channel 0       
chan_woomera.so                Woomera Protocol (WOOMERA)               0       
func_env.so                    Environment/filesystem dialplan function 0       
func_base64.so                 base64 encode/decode dialplan functions  0       
func_speex.so                  Noise reduction and Automatic Gain Contr 0       
app_confbridge.so              Conference Bridge Application            0       
app_waitforring.so             Waits until first ring after time        0       
190 modules loaded
и соответственно команды

module reload func_odbc.so
module reload cdr_odbc.so

говорят об ошибках

Код: Выделить всё

*CLI> module reload cdr_odbc.so
No such module 'cdr_odbc.so'

*CLI> module reload func_odbc.so
No such module 'func_odbc.so'
такая вот "круть".

может его доустанавливать нужно?

хотя в исходниках в документации такой модуль якобы присутствует http://www.asterisk.org/doxygen/asteris ... index.html

Re: Asterisk CDR в базу на MSSQL

Добавлено: 10 янв 2012, 20:21
и что характерно модуль cdr_odbc.so от астериска 1.4 чет не подошел.
где бы найти от 1.6.2?
или как то скачать?
или билдить придётся исходники?

Re: Asterisk CDR в базу на MSSQL

Добавлено: 10 янв 2012, 20:34
yum search asterisk | grep odbc
asterisk-odbc.i686 : Applications for Asterisk that use ODBC (except voicemail)
asterisk-voicemail-odbc.i686 : Store voicemail in a database using ODBC

yum info asterisk-odbc
Available Packages
Name : asterisk-odbc
Arch : i686
Version :
Release : 1.fc13
Size : 108 k
Repo : updates
Summary : Applications for Asterisk that use ODBC (except voicemail)
URL : http://www.asterisk.org/
License : GPLv2
Description : Applications for Asterisk that use ODBC (except voicemail)

cat /etc/issue
Fedora release 13 (Goddard)
Kernel \r on an \m (\l)

вообще из исходников проще будет собрать все нужное

Re: Asterisk CDR в базу на MSSQL

Добавлено: 10 янв 2012, 22:57
Текущие модули можно не все просматривать, а через фильтр, например
*CLI> module show like odbc
типа регулярного выражения

Re: Asterisk CDR в базу на MSSQL

Добавлено: 11 янв 2012, 07:37
ded писал(а):Текущие модули можно не все просматривать, а через фильтр, например
*CLI> module show like odbc
типа регулярного выражения
нашел уже такое, спасибо.
только нужных всё равно нет.

Re: Asterisk CDR в базу на MSSQL

Добавлено: 11 янв 2012, 07:49
за это время можно уже было разобраться с компиляцией из сорцов