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Подключил Cisco 7936 к Asterisk в соответствии с рекомендациями ветки https://forum.asterisk.ru/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7508.
Единственное с парой небольших изменений:
1. DHCP сервер используется стандартный виндовый, который в сети служит для AD. Соответственно отсутствуют настройки описанные в статье на Хабре для DHCP.
После получения IP адреса я зашел на устройство и просто вручную прописал Альтернативный TFTP сервер.
2. Используется не отдельный конфиг файл (как рекомендует многоуважаемый ded), а настройки тянутся из sccp.conf
В остальном связь есть все работает.
Код: Выделить всё
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_socket.c:1011 sccp_socket_device_thread: == SEP0004F2E09346: Session New Data Arriving
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_socket.c:589 sccp_read_data: -- SEP0004F2E09346: Dissection SoftKey Event Message (38), msgDataSegmentSize: 12, UnreadBytesAccordingToPacket: 12, msg->header.length: 16, bytesToRead: 12, bytesReadSoFar: 0
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_socket.c:592 sccp_read_data: -- SEP0004F2E09346: Reading SoftKey Event Message (38), msgDataSegmentSize: 12, UnreadBytesAccordingToPacket: 12, bytesToRead: 12, bytesReadSoFar: 0
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_socket.c:610 sccp_read_data: -- SEP0004F2E09346: Finished Reading SoftKey Event Message (38), msgDataSegmentSize: 12, UnreadBytesAccordingToPacket: 0, bytesToRead: 0, bytesReadSoFar: 12
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: chan_sccp.c:297 sccp_handle_message: -- SEP0004F2E09346: >> Got message SoftKey Event Message (0x26)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: chan_sccp.c:184 check_session_message_device: SEP0004F2E09346: SCCP Handle Message: SoftKey Event Message(0x0026) 16 bytes length
sccp_socket.c :1613 (sccp_session_getDevice ) ---> refcount increased 03 +> 04 for device: SEP0004F2E09346 (0x1ccc420)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_actions.c:2818 sccp_handle_soft_key_event: -- SEP0004F2E09346: Got Softkey
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_actions.c:2844 sccp_handle_soft_key_event: -- SEP0004F2E09346: Got Softkey: NewCall (2) line=0 callid=0
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_line.c:940 __sccp_line_find_byid: -- SEP0004F2E09346: Looking for line with instance 1.
sccp_actions.c :2858 (sccp_handle_soft_key_even) ----> refcount increased 04 +> 05 for line: 102 (0x1d66310)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_line.c:958 __sccp_line_find_byid: -- SCCP: Found line 102
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_softkeys.c:964 sccp_getSoftkeyMap_by_SoftkeyEvent: -- SEP0004F2E09346: (sccp_getSoftkeyMap_by_SoftkeyEvent) default: 0x7fa717eab0a0, softkeyset: 0x1d67420, softkeyCbMap: (nil)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_softkeys.c:1115 sccp_SoftkeyMap_execCallbackByEvent: -- SEP0004F2E09346: Handling Softkey: NewCall on line: 102 and channel: UNDEF
sccp_softkeys.c:0054 (sccp_sk_get_retained_line) -----> refcount increased 05 +> 06 for line: 102 (0x1d66310)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_softkeys.c:189 sccp_sk_newcall: -- SEP0004F2E09346: SoftKey NewCall Pressed
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_device.c:1852 sccp_device_getActiveChannel: -- SEP0004F2E09346: Getting the active channel on device.
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_device.c:1860 sccp_device_getActiveChannel: -- SEP0004F2E09346: No active channel on device.
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_device.c:1852 sccp_device_getActiveChannel: -- SEP0004F2E09346: Getting the active channel on device.
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_device.c:1860 sccp_device_getActiveChannel: -- SEP0004F2E09346: No active channel on device.
sccp_channel.c :0143 (sccp_channel_allocate ) ------> refcount increased 06 +> 07 for line: 102 (0x1d66310)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_refcount.c:244 sccp_refcount_object_alloc: SCCP: (alloc_obj) Creating new channel SCCP/102-00000009 (0x7fa72c005b00) inside 0x7fa72c005ac0 at hash: 504
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_callinfo.c:115 sccp_callinfo_ctor: SCCP: callinfo constructor: 0x7fa72c006550
sccp_channel.c :0194 (sccp_channel_allocate ) -------> refcount increased 07 +> 08 for line: 102 (0x1d66310)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_channel.c:219 sccp_channel_allocate: -- 0001: New channel number: 9 on line 102
sccp_line.c :0647 (sccp_line_addChannel ) --------> refcount increased 08 +> 09 for line: 102 (0x1d66310)
sccp_line.c :0652 (sccp_line_addChannel ) -> refcount increased 01 +> 02 for channel: SCCP/102-00000009 (0x7fa72c005ac0)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_line.c:655 sccp_line_addChannel: SCCP: Adding channel 9 to line 102
sccp_refcount.c:0650 (sccp_refcount_autorelease) <-------- refcount decreased 08 <- 09 for line: 102 (0x1d66310)
sccp_channel.c :0296 (sccp_channel_setDevice ) ----> refcount increased 04 +> 05 for device: SEP0004F2E09346 (0x1ccc420)
sccp_device.c :1873 (sccp_device_setActiveChan) -----> refcount increased 05 +> 06 for device: SEP0004F2E09346 (0x1ccc420)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_device.c:1876 sccp_device_setActiveChannel: -- SEP0004F2E09346: Set the active channel 9 on device
sccp_device.c :1883 (sccp_device_setActiveChan) --> refcount increased 02 +> 03 for channel: SCCP/102-00000009 (0x7fa72c005ac0)
sccp_device.c :1834 (sccp_dev_setActiveLine ) --------> refcount increased 08 +> 09 for line: 102 (0x1d66310)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_device.c:1836 sccp_dev_setActiveLine: -- SEP0004F2E09346: Set the active line 102
sccp_refcount.c:0650 (sccp_refcount_autorelease) <----- refcount decreased 05 <- 06 for device: SEP0004F2E09346 (0x1ccc420)
sccp_refcount.c:0650 (sccp_refcount_autorelease) <-------- refcount decreased 08 <- 09 for line: 102 (0x1d66310)
sccp_pbx.c :0589 (sccp_pbx_channel_allocate) ---> refcount increased 03 +> 04 for channel: SCCP/102-00000009 (0x7fa72c005ac0)
sccp_pbx.c :0601 (sccp_pbx_channel_allocate) --------> refcount increased 08 +> 09 for line: 102 (0x1d66310)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_pbx.c:608 sccp_pbx_channel_allocate: -- SCCP: (pbx_channel_allocate) try to allocate Outbound channel on line: 102,
sccp_pbx.c :0615 (sccp_pbx_channel_allocate) -----> refcount increased 05 +> 06 for device: SEP0004F2E09346 (0x1ccc420)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_callinfo.c:271 sccp_callinfo_setter: -- 0x7fa72c006550: (sccp_callinfo_setter) changes:2
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_pbx.c:682 sccp_pbx_channel_allocate: -- SCCP: cid_num: "102"
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_pbx.c:683 sccp_pbx_channel_allocate: -- SCCP: cid_name: "softphone"
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_pbx.c:684 sccp_pbx_channel_allocate: -- SCCP: accountcode: "102"
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_pbx.c:685 sccp_pbx_channel_allocate: -- SCCP: exten: ""
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_pbx.c:686 sccp_pbx_channel_allocate: -- SCCP: context: "from-internal"
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_pbx.c:687 sccp_pbx_channel_allocate: -- SCCP: amaflags: "0"
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_pbx.c:688 sccp_pbx_channel_allocate: -- SCCP: chan/call: "102-00000009"
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_pbx.c:690 sccp_pbx_channel_allocate: -- SCCP:combined capabilities: "(ulaw/64k (4), alaw/64k (2), g729 (11))"
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_pbx.c:691 sccp_pbx_channel_allocate: -- SCCP: reduced preferences: "(alaw/64k (2), alaw/56k (3), ulaw/64k (4), ulaw/56k (5), g729 (11), g729a (12), g729b (15), g729ab (16), g729/annex/b (85))"
ast111.c :0967 (sccp_wrapper_asterisk111_) ---------> refcount increased 09 +> 10 for line: 102 (0x1d66310)
ast111.c :0977 (sccp_wrapper_asterisk111_) ----> refcount increased 04 +> 05 for channel: SCCP/102-00000009 (0x7fa72c005ac0)
sccp_refcount.c:0650 (sccp_refcount_autorelease) <--------- refcount decreased 09 <- 10 for line: 102 (0x1d66310)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_channel.c:337 sccp_channel_recalculateReadformat: -- SEP0004F2E09346: recalculateReadformat
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_utils.c:1088 sccp_utils_findBestCodec: -- pLength 18, cLength: 18, rLength: 18
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_utils.c:1115 sccp_utils_findBestCodec: -- preference: 2(alaw/64k)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_utils.c:1125 sccp_utils_findBestCodec: -- preference: 2(alaw/64k), capability: 4(ulaw/64k)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_utils.c:1125 sccp_utils_findBestCodec: -- preference: 2(alaw/64k), capability: 2(alaw/64k)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_utils.c:1131 sccp_utils_findBestCodec: -- found first firstJointCapability 2(alaw/64k)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_utils.c:1135 sccp_utils_findBestCodec: -- Empty remote Capabilities, using bestCodec from firstJointCapability 2(alaw/64k)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_channel.c:359 sccp_channel_recalculateReadformat: -- SCCP: SCCP/102-00000009,
capabilities: (ulaw/64k (4), alaw/64k (2), g729 (11))
preferences: (alaw/64k (2), alaw/56k (3), ulaw/64k (4), ulaw/56k (5), g729 (11), g729a (12), g729b (15), g729ab (16), g729/annex/b (85))
remote caps: (nothing)
READ: (alaw/64k (2))
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_channel.c:378 sccp_channel_recalculateWriteformat: -- SEP0004F2E09346: recalculateWriteformat
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_utils.c:1088 sccp_utils_findBestCodec: -- pLength 18, cLength: 18, rLength: 18
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_utils.c:1115 sccp_utils_findBestCodec: -- preference: 2(alaw/64k)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_utils.c:1125 sccp_utils_findBestCodec: -- preference: 2(alaw/64k), capability: 4(ulaw/64k)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_utils.c:1125 sccp_utils_findBestCodec: -- preference: 2(alaw/64k), capability: 2(alaw/64k)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_utils.c:1131 sccp_utils_findBestCodec: -- found first firstJointCapability 2(alaw/64k)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_utils.c:1135 sccp_utils_findBestCodec: -- Empty remote Capabilities, using bestCodec from firstJointCapability 2(alaw/64k)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_channel.c:402 sccp_channel_recalculateWriteformat: -- SCCP: SCCP/102-00000009,
capabilities: (ulaw/64k (4), alaw/64k (2), g729 (11))
preferences: (alaw/64k (2), alaw/56k (3), ulaw/64k (4), ulaw/56k (5), g729 (11), g729a (12), g729b (15), g729ab (16), g729/annex/b (85))
remote caps: (nothing)
WRITE: (alaw/64k (2))
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_pbx.c:789 sccp_pbx_channel_allocate: -- 0001: Allocated asterisk channel 102-9
sccp_refcount.c:0650 (sccp_refcount_autorelease) <-------- refcount decreased 08 <- 09 for line: 102 (0x1d66310)
sccp_refcount.c:0650 (sccp_refcount_autorelease) <----- refcount decreased 05 <- 06 for device: SEP0004F2E09346 (0x1ccc420)
sccp_refcount.c:0650 (sccp_refcount_autorelease) <---- refcount decreased 04 <- 05 for channel: SCCP/102-00000009 (0x7fa72c005ac0)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_utils.c:176 sccp_pbx_setcallstate: -- SEP0004F2E09346: Set asterisk state OffHook (2) for call 9
sccp_indicate.c:0053 (__sccp_indicate ) -----> refcount increased 05 +> 06 for device: SEP0004F2E09346 (0x1ccc420)
sccp_indicate.c:0060 (__sccp_indicate ) --------> refcount increased 08 +> 09 for line: 102 (0x1d66310)
sccp_line.c :1046 (__sccp_linedevice_find ) ------------------> refcount increased 18 +> 19 for linedevice: SEP0004F2E09346/102 (0x7fa72c0010c0)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_indicate.c:77 __sccp_indicate: -- SEP0004F2E09346: Indicate SCCP new state 10 (OFFHOOK), current channel state 0 (DOWN) on call 102-00000009 (previous channelstate 0 (DOWN))
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_device.c:1186 sccp_dev_send: -- SEP0004F2E09346: >> Send message Set Speaker Mode Message
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_socket.c:1341 sccp_session_send2: SEP0004F2E09346: Send Message: Set Speaker Mode Message(0x0088) 8 bytes length
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_device.c:1371 sccp_dev_set_speaker: -- SEP0004F2E09346: Send speaker mode 'on'
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_device.c:1186 sccp_dev_send: -- SEP0004F2E09346: >> Send message Set Lamp Message
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_socket.c:1341 sccp_session_send2: SEP0004F2E09346: Send Message: Set Lamp Message(0x0086) 16 bytes length
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_device.c:1186 sccp_dev_send: -- SEP0004F2E09346: >> Send message Call State Message
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_socket.c:1341 sccp_session_send2: SEP0004F2E09346: Send Message: Call State Message(0x0111) 28 bytes length
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_device.c:2582 sccp_device_sendcallstate: -- SEP0004F2E09346: Send and Set the call state offhook(1) on call 9 (visibility:default)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_device.c:1186 sccp_dev_send: -- SEP0004F2E09346: >> Send message Activate Call Plane Message
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_socket.c:1341 sccp_session_send2: SEP0004F2E09346: Send Message: Activate Call Plane Message(0x0116) 8 bytes length
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_device.c:1421 sccp_dev_set_cplane: -- SEP0004F2E09346: Send activate call plane on line 1
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_device.c:1591 sccp_dev_displayprompt_debug: -- SEP0004F2E09346: ( sccp_indicate.c:91:__sccp_indicate ) sccp_dev_displayprompt '▒ ' for line 1 (8)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_device.c:1186 sccp_dev_send: -- SEP0004F2E09346: >> Send message Display Prompt Status Message
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_socket.c:1341 sccp_session_send2: SEP0004F2E09346: Send Message: Display Prompt Status Message(0x0112) 48 bytes length
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_protocol.c:285 sccp_protocol_sendStaticDisplayprompt: -- SEP0004F2E09346: Display prompt on line 1, callid 9, timeout 8
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_device.c:1186 sccp_dev_send: -- SEP0004F2E09346: >> Send message Start Tone Message
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_socket.c:1341 sccp_session_send2: SEP0004F2E09346: Send Message: Start Tone Message(0x0082) 20 bytes length
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_device.c:1470 sccp_dev_starttone: -- SEP0004F2E09346: Sending tone Inside Dial Tone (33) on line 1 with callid 9
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_softkeys.c:1131 sccp_softkey_setSoftkeyState: -- SEP0004F2E09346: softkey 'Redial' on OFFHOOK to on
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_softkeys.c:1131 sccp_softkey_setSoftkeyState: -- SEP0004F2E09346: softkey 'Record' on OFFHOOK to off
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_device.c:1322 sccp_dev_set_keyset: -- SEP0004F2E09346: Set softkeyset to OFFHOOK(4) on line 1 and call 9
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_device.c:1323 sccp_dev_set_keyset: -- SEP0004F2E09346: validKeyMask 4294967295
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_device.c:1186 sccp_dev_send: -- SEP0004F2E09346: >> Send message Select SoftKeys Message
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_socket.c:1341 sccp_session_send2: SEP0004F2E09346: Send Message: Select SoftKeys Message(0x0110) 20 bytes length
sccp_indicate.c:0430 (__sccp_indicate ) ---------> refcount increased 09 +> 10 for line: 102 (0x1d66310)
sccp_indicate.c:0431 (__sccp_indicate ) ------> refcount increased 06 +> 07 for device: SEP0004F2E09346 (0x1ccc420)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_mwi.c:386 sccp_mwi_lineStatusChangedEvent: == SCCP: (mwi_lineStatusChangedEvent) Get lineStatusChangedEvent
sccp_line.c :1046 (__sccp_linedevice_find ) -------------------> refcount increased 19 +> 20 for linedevice: SEP0004F2E09346/102 (0x7fa72c0010c0)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_mwi.c:595 sccp_mwi_setMWILineStatus: -- SEP0004F2E09346: (mwi_setMWILineStatus) Device already knows this state OFF on line 102 (1). skipping update
sccp_mwi.c :0612 (sccp_mwi_check ) -------> refcount increased 07 +> 08 for device: SEP0004F2E09346 (0x1ccc420)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_mwi.c:622 sccp_mwi_check: -- SEP0004F2E09346: Checking Line Instance: 1 = 102, mwioncall: Off
sccp_mwi.c :0627 (sccp_mwi_check ) --------> refcount increased 08 +> 09 for device: SEP0004F2E09346 (0x1ccc420)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_mwi.c:630 sccp_mwi_check: -- SEP0004F2E09346: we have an active channel, suppress mwi light
sccp_refcount.c:0650 (sccp_refcount_autorelease) <-------- refcount decreased 08 <- 09 for device: SEP0004F2E09346 (0x1ccc420)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_mwi.c:641 sccp_mwi_check: -- SEP0004F2E09346: (mwi_check) line 102 voicemail count 0 new/0 old (instance: 1)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_mwi.c:682 sccp_mwi_check: -- SEP0004F2E09346: (mwi_check) Remove Have Voicemail from Display
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_device.c:2855 sccp_device_clearMessageFromStack: > SEP0004F2E09346: clear message stack 1
sccp_refcount.c:0650 (sccp_refcount_autorelease) <------- refcount decreased 07 <- 08 for device: SEP0004F2E09346 (0x1ccc420)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_threadpool.c:369 sccp_threadpool_jobqueue_add: -- (sccp_threadpool_jobqueue_add) tp_p: 0x1ccddb0, jobCount: 0
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_indicate.c:436 __sccp_indicate: -- SEP0004F2E09346: Finish to indicate state SCCP (OFFHOOK) on call 102-00000009. New state on channel: OFFHOOK (10)
sccp_refcount.c:0650 (sccp_refcount_autorelease) <------------------- refcount decreased 19 <- 20 for linedevice: SEP0004F2E09346/102 (0x7fa72c0010c0)
sccp_refcount.c:0650 (sccp_refcount_autorelease) <--------- refcount decreased 09 <- 10 for line: 102 (0x1d66310)
sccp_refcount.c:0650 (sccp_refcount_autorelease) <------ refcount decreased 06 <- 07 for device: SEP0004F2E09346 (0x1ccc420)
sccp_channel.c :1187 (sccp_channel_schedule_dig) ----> refcount increased 04 +> 05 for channel: SCCP/102-00000009 (0x7fa72c005ac0)
ast111.c :2222 (sccp_wrapper_asterisk111_) -----> refcount increased 05 +> 06 for channel: SCCP/102-00000009 (0x7fa72c005ac0)
sccp_refcount.c:0650 (sccp_refcount_autorelease) <----- refcount decreased 05 <- 06 for channel: SCCP/102-00000009 (0x7fa72c005ac0)
sccp_refcount.c:0650 (sccp_refcount_autorelease) <---- refcount decreased 04 <- 05 for channel: SCCP/102-00000009 (0x7fa72c005ac0)
sccp_refcount.c:0650 (sccp_refcount_autorelease) <-------- refcount decreased 08 <- 09 for line: 102 (0x1d66310)
sccp_refcount.c:0650 (sccp_refcount_autorelease) <------- refcount decreased 07 <- 08 for line: 102 (0x1d66310)
sccp_refcount.c:0650 (sccp_refcount_autorelease) <----- refcount decreased 05 <- 06 for device: SEP0004F2E09346 (0x1ccc420)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[12351]: ast111.c:357 sccp_wrapper_asterisk111_devicestate: > SCCP: (sccp_asterisk_devicestate) PBX requests state for '102' - state Not in use
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[12382]: sccp_threadpool.c:232 sccp_threadpool_thread_do: -- (sccp_threadpool_thread_do) Let's work. num_jobs: 0, thread: 0x7fa6eee4f700, num_threads: 2
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[12382]: sccp_threadpool.c:245 sccp_threadpool_thread_do: -- (sccp_threadpool_thread_do) executing 0x7fa72c011940 in thread: 0x7fa6eee4f700
sccp_hint.c :0738 (sccp_hint_updateLineState) -------> refcount increased 07 +> 08 for line: 102 (0x1d66310)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[12382]: sccp_hint.c:741 sccp_hint_updateLineState: > 102: (sccp_hint_updateLineState) Update Line Channel State: ONHOOK(1)
sccp_hint.c :0866 (sccp_hint_updateLineState) ----> refcount increased 04 +> 05 for channel: SCCP/102-00000009 (0x7fa72c005ac0)
sccp_hint.c :0875 (sccp_hint_updateLineState) -------------------> refcount increased 19 +> 20 for linedevice: SEP0004F2E09346/102 (0x7fa72c0010c0)
sccp_hint.c :0879 (sccp_hint_updateLineState) -----> refcount increased 05 +> 06 for device: SEP0004F2E09346 (0x1ccc420)
sccp_refcount.c:0650 (sccp_refcount_autorelease) <----- refcount decreased 05 <- 06 for device: SEP0004F2E09346 (0x1ccc420)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[12382]: sccp_callinfo.c:516 sccp_callinfo_getter: -- 0x7fa72c006550: (sccp_callinfo_getter) entries:0
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[12382]: sccp_hint.c:944 sccp_hint_updateLineStateForSingleChannel: > 102: get speeddial party: ' <>' (calledParty)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[12382]: sccp_hint.c:972 sccp_hint_updateLineStateForSingleChannel: > 102: (sccp_hint_updateLineStateForSingleChannel) partyName: , partyNumber:
sccp_refcount.c:0650 (sccp_refcount_autorelease) <------------------- refcount decreased 19 <- 20 for linedevice: SEP0004F2E09346/102 (0x7fa72c0010c0)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[12382]: sccp_hint.c:982 sccp_hint_updateLineStateForSingleChannel: > 102: (sccp_hint_updateLineStateForSingleChannel) Set singleLineState to OFFHOOK(10)
sccp_refcount.c:0650 (sccp_refcount_autorelease) <---- refcount decreased 04 <- 05 for channel: SCCP/102-00000009 (0x7fa72c005ac0)
sccp_hint.c :1083 (sccp_hint_notifyPBX ) --------> refcount increased 08 +> 09 for line: 102 (0x1d66310)
sccp_refcount.c:0650 (sccp_refcount_autorelease) <-------- refcount decreased 08 <- 09 for line: 102 (0x1d66310)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[12382]: sccp_hint.c:1118 sccp_hint_notifyPBX: -- SCCP: (sccp_hint_notifyPBX) Notify asterisk to set state to sccp channelstate 'OFFHOOK' (10) on line 'SCCP/102'
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[12382]: sccp_hint.c:1119 sccp_hint_notifyPBX: -- SCCP: (sccp_hint_notifyPBX) => asterisk: 'Device is unavailable' (5) => 'Device is in use' (2) on line SCCP/102
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[12382]: sccp_hint.c:1186 sccp_hint_notifyPBX: -- SCCP: (sccp_hint_notifyPBX) Notified asterisk to set state to sccp channelstate 'OFFHOOK' (10) => asterisk: 'Device is in use' (2) on channel SCCP/102
sccp_refcount.c:0650 (sccp_refcount_autorelease) <------- refcount decreased 07 <- 08 for line: 102 (0x1d66310)
sccp_event.c :0099 (sccp_event_destroy ) <------ refcount decreased 06 <- 07 for line: 102 (0x1d66310)
sccp_event.c :0100 (sccp_event_destroy ) <---- refcount decreased 04 <- 05 for device: SEP0004F2E09346 (0x1ccc420)
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[12382]: sccp_threadpool.c:164 sccp_threadpool_check_size: -- (sccp_threadpool_check_resize) in thread: 0x7fa6eee4f700
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[12382]: sccp_threadpool.c:180 sccp_threadpool_check_size: -- (sccp_threadpool_check_resize) Number of threads: 2, job_high_water_mark: 0
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[12382]: sccp_threadpool.c:219 sccp_threadpool_thread_do: -- (sccp_threadpool_thread_do) num_jobs: 0, thread: 0x7fa6eee4f700, num_threads: 2
[2019-02-02 22:12:37] NOTICE[12382]: sccp_threadpool.c:224 sccp_threadpool_thread_do: -- (sccp_threadpool_thread_do) Thread 0x7fa6eee4f700 Waiting for New Work Condition
sccp_cli.c :1064 (sccp_show_lines ) ----> refcount increased 04 +> 05 for device: SEP0004F2E09346 (0x1ccc420)
[2019-02-02 22:12:39] NOTICE[12429]: sccp_callinfo.c:516 sccp_callinfo_getter: -- 0x7fa72c006550: (sccp_callinfo_getter) entries:0
sccp_refcount.c:0650 (sccp_refcount_autorelease) <---- refcount decreased 04 <- 05 for device: SEP0004F2E09346 (0x1ccc420)
[2019-02-02 22:12:44] NOTICE[16989][C-00000000]: sccp_socket.c:988 sccp_socket_device_thread: > SEP0004F2E09346: set poll timeout 60 for session 28