Как подключить cisco 7965G к астериск по SCCP?
Добавлено: 15 окт 2012, 03:22
Собственно сам вопрос.
На вопрос почему не SIP? Отвечаю, с ним ещё две консоли 7916.
В наличии Asterisk 1.6 к нему прикручены 7912 и 7960 по SCCP всё работает.
И наверное больше вопрос к Ded т.к. в своё время не получалось прошить тел 7965G.
Я прошил его поэтапно сейчас стоит прошивка SCCP45.8-5-4S. Но если до этого он цеплялся к астериску, то сейчас я вижу, что он SEP0022555D5CA2.cnf.xml тянет но не регистрируется на астере.
В Статусе на теле пишет ErrorVerifying Confug info.
На вопрос почему не SIP? Отвечаю, с ним ещё две консоли 7916.
В наличии Asterisk 1.6 к нему прикручены 7912 и 7960 по SCCP всё работает.
И наверное больше вопрос к Ded т.к. в своё время не получалось прошить тел 7965G.
Я прошил его поэтапно сейчас стоит прошивка SCCP45.8-5-4S. Но если до этого он цеплялся к астериску, то сейчас я вижу, что он SEP0022555D5CA2.cnf.xml тянет но не регистрируется на астере.
В Статусе на теле пишет ErrorVerifying Confug info.
Код: Выделить всё
<member priority="0">
<addOnModule idx="1">
Код: Выделить всё
servername = Vityaz-Avto
keepalive = 60
debug = 1
context = from-internal
dateFormat = D.M.Y
bindaddr =
port = 2000
firstdigittimeout = 16
digittimeout = 8
autoanswer_ring_time = 1
autoanswer_tone = 0x32
remotehangup_tone = 0x32
transfer_tone = 0
callwaiting_tone = 0x2d
dnd = on
echocancel = on
silencesuppression = off
trustphoneip = no
sccp_tos = 0x68
sccp_cos = 4
audio_tos = 0xB8
audio_cos = 6
video_tos = 0x88
video_cos = 5
private = on
; device template definitions
type = device
keepalive = 60
tzoffset = 0
transfer = on
park = on
cfwdall = off
cfwdbusy = off
cfwdnoanswer = off
pickupexten = off
pickupcontext = sccp
pickupmodeanswer = on
dtmfmode = inband
imageversion = P00405000700
dnd = on
trustphoneip = no
nat = off
earlyrtp = none
private = on
mwilamp = on
mwioncall = off
devicetype = 7912
transfer = off
park = on
cfwdall = on
devicetype = 7914
transfer = off
park = on
cfwdall = on
mwioncall = on
devicetype = 7940
transfer = off
park = on
cfwdall = on
devicetype = 7960
park = off
cfwdall = on
devicetype = 7965
park = off
cfwdall = on
[7970](!,7960) ; add to 7960 device template and create new template named 7970
devicetype = 7970 ; device type (see below)
;button = speeddial,Helpdesk, 911, 911@hint ; Add SpeedDial to Helpdesk
private = on ; permit the private function softkey for this device
privacy = off ; full = disable hints notification on devices, on = hints showed depending on private key, off = hints always s
mwilamp = blink ; Set the MWI lamp style when MWI active to on, off, wink, flash or blink
mwioncall = on ; Set the MWI on call.
[7985](!,7970) ; add to 7960 device template and create new template named 7970
devicetype = 7985 ; device type (see below)
;button = speeddial,Helpdesk, 911, 911@hint ; Add SpeedDial to Helpdesk
private = on ; permit the private function softkey for this device
privacy = no ; full = disable hints notification on devices, on = hints showed depending on private key, off = hints always s
mwilamp = blink ; Set the MWI lamp style when MWI active to on, off, wink, flash or blink
mwioncall = on ; Set the MWI on call.
; line template definitions
type = line
context = from-internal
incominglimit = 2
transfer = on
vmnum = 600
meetmenum = 700
trnsfvm = 1000
secondary_dialtone_digits = 9
secondary_dialtone_tone = 0x22
audio_tos = 0xB8
audio_cos = 6
video_tos = 0x88
video_cos = 5
echocancel = on
silencesuppression = off
; actual definitions
description = Redkin7965
addon = 7916
button = line, 100
button = speeddial, Vakhta, 169, 169@hint
button = speeddial, Fedorova, 103, 103@hint
button = speeddial, Sukhomlinov, 102, 102@hint
button = speeddial, Teplukhin, 141, 141@hint
button = speeddial, Khazov, 161, 161@hint
button = speeddial, Tarasov, 121, 121@hint
button = speeddial, ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒, 125, 125@hint
button = speeddial, ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒, 129, 129@hint
button = speeddial, ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒, 131, 131@hint
button = speeddial, ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒, 132, 132@hint
button = speeddial, ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒, 124, 124@hint
button = speeddial, ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒, 123, 123@hint
button = speeddial, ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒, 143, 143@hint
button = speeddial, ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒, 100, 100@hint
button = speeddial, ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒, 145, 145@hint
button = speeddial, ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒, 146, 146@hint
button = speeddial, ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒, 148, 148@hint
button = speeddial, ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒, 149, 149@hint
button = speeddial, ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒, 151, 151@hint
button = speeddial, ▒▒▒▒▒, 163, 163@hint
button = speeddial, ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒, 164, 164@hint
button = speeddial, ▒▒▒▒▒, 168, 168@hint
button = speeddial, ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒, 165, 165@hint
button = speeddial, ▒▒, 171, 171@hint
button = speeddial, ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒, 211, 211@hint
button = speeddial, ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒, 212, 212@hint
button = speeddial, ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒, 213, 213@hint
button = speeddial, ▒▒▒▒▒, 221, 221@hint
button = speeddial, ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒, 501, 501@hint
button = speeddial, ▒▒▒▒▒, 311, 311@hint
button = speeddial, ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒, 312, 312@hint
button = speeddial, ▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒, 251, 251@hint