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Elastix перестал работать с потоками E1

Добавлено: 02 дек 2013, 17:34
Дано: установил стабильную версию Elastix 2.4.0 x64 bit с сайта производителя. Заработало. Продиагностировал оборудование - обнаружилась 1 карточка Digium PCI-Ex TE420B, установил режим E1, заработало. Супер. Состыковал с TDM-PBX по 4м потокам. Прописал на Elastix автоответчики. Всё заработало супер. Начал прописывать телеконференции, бэкапиться - всё супер. Проработало полторы недели. Потом решил перезагрузить - из web-интервейса дал команду на перезагрузку. Перезагрузилась. И всё. TDM-PBX перестала узнавать Elastix, пишет, что связи по потокам нет, работать отказывается !!
Вопрос - что делать !?
Переустанавливать - не выход. Потому что следом переустанавливал опять с форматированием разделов "под корешок". Всё переустановилось. Далее "наматывал" настройки понемногу. Дампил изменения. Пока перезагрузки не было - всё работало просто шикарно ! Только перезагрузка - и вся связь летит к чёрту !.. Потом снова устанавливал ... Потом настраивал, дампил - шикарно. Перзагрузка из интерфейса - связь летит к чертям !
Кстати, есть похожая ЭВМ для баловства. Там - TE110 без шумодава. На неё что не запрограммирую, перезагружаю - всё работает ! Но 1го потока по Т.З. маловато ... И 2х - тоже ... Что делать - вопрос по-прежнему актуален ...

Re: Elastix перестал работать с потоками E1

Добавлено: 02 дек 2013, 17:44
Сейчас догадался сделать Restore всей системы с дампа недельной давности по состоянию спустя 5 минут после установки новой системы Elastix 2.4.0 x64 bit. Потоки от TDM-PBX до Elastix TDM-PBX не желает признавать ни за какие плюшки. Блокирует их и всё. Ежели только в эти же самые потоки от TDM я по очереди втыкаю экспериментальную крошечную ЭВМ c TE110 - всё сразу начинает летать как новое !! Связь появляется сразу устойчивая на хорошую оценку. Что с большой Elastix не так ?

Re: Elastix перестал работать с потоками E1

Добавлено: 02 дек 2013, 18:07
Я практически уверен что ответ на ваш вопрос содержится в логах вашей системы.
И если вы их внимательно проанализируете - будете знать почему так.

Re: Elastix перестал работать с потоками E1

Добавлено: 03 дек 2013, 07:21
Открыл я конечно самый большой и самый подробный файл "full", выписал оттуда то, что касается этапа перезагрузки Эластика. Произошла перезагрузка 2.12.2013 г. в 10:03. И вот что лог написал:

[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-hangupcall
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-hangupcall
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-hangupcall
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-hangupcall
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-hangupcall
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-hangupcall
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-hangupcall
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: -- Time to scan old dialplan and merge leftovers back into the new: 0.040148 sec
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: -- Time to restore hints and swap in new dialplan: 0.000003 sec
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: -- Time to delete the old dialplan: 0.000555 sec
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: -- Total time merge_contexts_delete: 0.040706 sec
[Dec 2 10:03:49] NOTICE[4529] pbx_ael.c: AEL load process: merged config file name '/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael'.
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'macro-hangupcall' tries to include nonexistent context 'macro-hangupcall-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'macro-record-enable' tries to include nonexistent context 'macro-record-enable-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-gabcast' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-gabcast-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'gabcast' tries to include nonexistent context 'gabcast-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-recordings' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-recordings-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'macro-systemrecording' tries to include nonexistent context 'macro-systemrecording-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-dictate-record' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-dictate-record-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-dictate-send' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-dictate-send-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-pbdirectory' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-pbdirectory-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'ext-meetme' tries to include nonexistent context 'ext-meetme-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-callwaiting-cwoff' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-callwaiting-cwoff-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-callwaiting-cwon' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-callwaiting-cwon-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-calltrace' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-calltrace-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-calltrace-perform' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-calltrace-perform-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-directory' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-directory-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-echo-test' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-echo-test-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-speakextennum' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-speakextennum-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-speakingclock' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-speakingclock-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'timeconditions' tries to include nonexistent context 'timeconditions-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'macro-speeddial-lookup' tries to include nonexistent context 'macro-speeddial-lookup-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-speeddial' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-speeddial-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-speeddial-set' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-speeddial-set-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'macro-autoanswer' tries to include nonexistent context 'macro-autoanswer-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'ext-paging' tries to include nonexistent context 'ext-paging-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-fmf-toggle' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-fmf-toggle-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'ext-fax' tries to include nonexistent context 'ext-fax-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-fax' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-fax-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'ivr-4' tries to include nonexistent context 'ivr-4-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'ivr-15' tries to include nonexistent context 'ivr-15-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'ivr-5' tries to include nonexistent context 'ivr-5-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'ivr-7' tries to include nonexistent context 'ivr-7-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'ivr-8' tries to include nonexistent context 'ivr-8-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'ivr-9' tries to include nonexistent context 'ivr-9-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'ivr-10' tries to include nonexistent context 'ivr-10-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'ivr-11' tries to include nonexistent context 'ivr-11-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'ivr-12' tries to include nonexistent context 'ivr-12-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'ivr-13' tries to include nonexistent context 'ivr-13-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'ivr-16' tries to include nonexistent context 'ivr-16-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'ivr-17' tries to include nonexistent context 'ivr-17-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'cidlookup' tries to include nonexistent context 'cidlookup-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-dnd-off' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-dnd-off-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-dnd-on' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-dnd-on-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-dnd-toggle' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-dnd-toggle-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'macro-outisbusy' tries to include nonexistent context 'macro-outisbusy-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-queue-toggle' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-queue-toggle-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'macro-toggle-del-agent' tries to include nonexistent context 'macro-toggle-del-agent-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'macro-toggle-add-agent' tries to include nonexistent context 'macro-toggle-add-agent-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'ext-queues' tries to include nonexistent context 'ext-queues-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'from-queue' tries to include nonexistent context 'from-queue-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'from-queue-exten-internal' tries to include nonexistent context 'from-queue-exten-internal-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'from-queue-exten-only' tries to include nonexistent context 'from-queue-exten-only-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'macro-agent-add' tries to include nonexistent context 'macro-agent-add-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'macro-agent-del' tries to include nonexistent context 'macro-agent-del-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'ext-group' tries to include nonexistent context 'ext-group-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-cf-busy-off' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-cf-busy-off-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-cf-busy-off-any' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-cf-busy-off-any-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-cf-busy-on' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-cf-busy-on-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-cf-off' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-cf-off-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-cf-off-any' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-cf-off-any-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-cf-on' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-cf-on-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-cf-unavailable-off' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-cf-unavailable-off-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-cf-unavailable-on' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-cf-unavailable-on-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-cf-toggle' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-cf-toggle-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-blacklist-check' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-blacklist-check-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-blacklist' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-blacklist-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-blacklist-add' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-blacklist-add-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-blacklist-add-invalid' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-blacklist-add-invalid-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-blacklist-last' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-blacklist-last-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-blacklist-remove' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-blacklist-remove-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-dialvm' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-dialvm-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-vmmain' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-vmmain-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-userlogonoff' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-userlogonoff-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-pickup' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-pickup-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-zapbarge' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-zapbarge-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-chanspy' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-chanspy-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'ext-test' tries to include nonexistent context 'ext-test-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'ext-did' tries to include nonexistent context 'ext-did-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'ext-did-catchall' tries to include nonexistent context 'ext-did-catchall-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'ext-local' tries to include nonexistent context 'ext-local-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'from-did-direct-ivr' tries to include nonexistent context 'from-did-direct-ivr-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'ext-trunk' tries to include nonexistent context 'ext-trunk-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'outbound-allroutes' tries to include nonexistent context 'outbound-allroutes-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'outrt-1' tries to include nonexistent context 'outrt-1-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'app-blackhole' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-blackhole-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'bad-number' tries to include nonexistent context 'bad-number-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'macro-confirm' tries to include nonexistent context 'macro-confirm-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'macro-auto-confirm' tries to include nonexistent context 'macro-auto-confirm-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'macro-auto-blkvm' tries to include nonexistent context 'macro-auto-blkvm-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'sub-pincheck' tries to include nonexistent context 'sub-pincheck-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'macro-dialout-trunk' tries to include nonexistent context 'macro-dialout-trunk-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'macro-dialout-dundi' tries to include nonexistent context 'macro-dialout-dundi-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'macro-user-callerid' tries to include nonexistent context 'macro-user-callerid-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'macro-dialout-enum' tries to include nonexistent context 'macro-dialout-enum-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'macro-outbound-callerid' tries to include nonexistent context 'macro-outbound-callerid-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'from-zaptel' tries to include nonexistent context 'from-zaptel-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'from-dahdi' tries to include nonexistent context 'from-dahdi-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'vm-callme' tries to include nonexistent context 'vm-callme-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'macro-vm' tries to include nonexistent context 'macro-vm-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'macro-exten-vm' tries to include nonexistent context 'macro-exten-vm-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'macro-simple-dial' tries to include nonexistent context 'macro-simple-dial-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'macro-dial-one' tries to include nonexistent context 'macro-dial-one-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'from-internal-additional' tries to include nonexistent context 'from-internal-additional-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'from-pstn' tries to include nonexistent context 'ext-did-post-custom'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'from-did-direct' tries to include nonexistent context 'ext-findmefollow'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] WARNING[4529] pbx.c: Context 'a2billing' tries to include nonexistent context 'a2billing_monitoring'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] NOTICE[4529] pbx_ael.c: AEL load process: verified config file name '/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael'.
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] loader.c: pbx_ael.so => (Asterisk Extension Language Compiler)
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'SYSINFO'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] loader.c: func_sysinfo.so => (System information related functions)
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/festival.conf': [Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] config.c: == Found
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Festival'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] loader.c: app_festival.so => (Simple Festival Interface)
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered application 'MixMonitor'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered application 'StopMixMonitor'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] manager.c: == Manager registered action MixMonitorMute
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] loader.c: app_mixmonitor.so => (Mixed Audio Monitoring Application)
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'VMCOUNT'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] loader.c: func_vmcount.so => (Indicator for whether a voice mailbox has messages in a given folder.)
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ReadExten'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'VALID_EXTEN'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] loader.c: app_readexten.so => (Read and evaluate extension validity)
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] manager.c: == Manager registered action PlayDTMF
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SendDTMF'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] loader.c: app_senddtmf.so => (Send DTMF digits Application)
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'app_dial_gosub_virtual_context'; registrar: app_dial
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to app_dial_gosub_virtual_context
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Dial'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered application 'RetryDial'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] loader.c: app_dial.so => (Dialing Application)
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'EXTENSION_STATE'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] loader.c: func_extstate.so => (Gets an extension's state in the dialplan)
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Directory'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] loader.c: app_directory.so => (Extension Directory)
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered application 'DAHDIBarge'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] loader.c: app_dahdibarge.so => (Barge in on DAHDI channel application)
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'REALTIME'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'REALTIME_STORE'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'REALTIME_DESTROY'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'REALTIME_FIELD'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'REALTIME_HASH'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] loader.c: func_realtime.so => (Read/Write/Store/Destroy values from a RealTime repository)
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'FRAME_TRACE'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] loader.c: func_frame_trace.so => (Frame Trace for internal ast_frame debugging.)
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered application 'ChannelRedirect'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] loader.c: app_channelredirect.so => (Redirects a given channel to a dialplan target)
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered application 'BackgroundDetect'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] loader.c: app_talkdetect.so => (Playback with Talk Detection)
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered application 'SayUnixTime'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered application 'DateTime'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] loader.c: app_sayunixtime.so => (Say time)
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/queuerules.conf': [Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] config.c: == Found
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/queues.conf': [Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] config.c: == Found
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/queues_general_additional.conf': [Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] config.c: == Found
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/queues_custom_general.conf': [Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] config.c: == Found
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/queues_custom.conf': [Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] config.c: == Found
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/queues_additional.conf': [Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] config.c: == Found
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/queues_post_custom.conf': [Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] config.c: == Found
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'app_queue_gosub_virtual_context'; registrar: app_queue
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to app_queue_gosub_virtual_context
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered application 'Queue'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered application 'AddQueueMember'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered application 'RemoveQueueMember'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered application 'PauseQueueMember'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered application 'UnpauseQueueMember'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered application 'QueueLog'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] manager.c: == Manager registered action Queues
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] manager.c: == Manager registered action QueueStatus
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] manager.c: == Manager registered action QueueSummary
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] manager.c: == Manager registered action QueueAdd
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] manager.c: == Manager registered action QueueRemove
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] manager.c: == Manager registered action QueuePause
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] manager.c: == Manager registered action QueueLog
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] manager.c: == Manager registered action QueuePenalty
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] manager.c: == Manager registered action QueueRule
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] manager.c: == Manager registered action QueueReload
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] manager.c: == Manager registered action QueueReset
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'QUEUE_VARIABLES'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'QUEUE_EXISTS'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'QUEUE_MEMBER'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'QUEUE_MEMBER_COUNT'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'QUEUE_MEMBER_LIST'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'QUEUE_WAITING_COUNT'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] pbx.c: == Registered custom function 'QUEUE_MEMBER_PENALTY'
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] loader.c: app_queue.so => (True Call Queueing)
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cli_permissions.conf': [Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] config.c: == Found
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] asterisk.c: Asterisk Ready.
[Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cli.conf': [Dec 2 10:03:49] VERBOSE[4529] config.c: == Found
[Dec 2 10:05:01] VERBOSE[4536] asterisk.c: -- Remote UNIX connection
[Dec 2 10:05:01] VERBOSE[4769] asterisk.c: -- Remote UNIX connection disconnected
[Dec 2 10:10:01] VERBOSE[4536] asterisk.c: -- Remote UNIX connection
[Dec 2 10:10:01] VERBOSE[4839] asterisk.c: -- Remote UNIX connection disconnected

До перезагрузки Эластик с потоками работал отлично. А после - вообще перестал !! TDM не видит от моего Эластика ни одного потока из 4х !!! Что-то лог жалуется на то, что не смог восстановить контексты ... С чего бы вдруг ? Что бы мог означать этот лог ? И, тогда сразу уж - как эти ошибки лечить ?

Re: Elastix перестал работать с потоками E1

Добавлено: 03 дек 2013, 08:06
в "выписке" нет ничего касающегося Dahdi

Re: Elastix перестал работать с потоками E1

Добавлено: 03 дек 2013, 08:18
Вот именно ! DAHDI нигде не упоминаются. А стык TDM-Elastix ни по одному из 4х Е1 не работает !!!!! Какой-то шайтан !..

Re: Elastix перестал работать с потоками E1

Добавлено: 03 дек 2013, 08:25

Код: Выделить всё

rpm -aq | grep dahdi
yum search dahdi

Re: Elastix перестал работать с потоками E1

Добавлено: 03 дек 2013, 08:32
[root@i7 ~]# rpm -aq | grep dahdi
[root@i7 ~]# yum search dahdi
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
Could not retrieve mirrorlist http://mirrorlist.centos.org/?release=5 ... 64&repo=os error was
[Errno 4] IOError: <urlopen error (-3, '\xd0\x92\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb9 \xd1\x81\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xb2 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb8 \xd0\xb8\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd')>
Error: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: base
[root@i7 ~]#

Блин, у меня доступ в Интернет админ выключил ... Что сейчас будет ...

Re: Elastix перестал работать с потоками E1

Добавлено: 03 дек 2013, 11:14
Reader, не надо загаживать форум бессмысленными портянками логов, если их не понимаете. Обратитесь к администратору, и по поводу Е1 тоже.

Re: Elastix перестал работать с потоками E1

Добавлено: 03 дек 2013, 12:08
Снёс всю 2.4.0 x64, признанную ненадёжной. И установил 2.4.0 x32. Загрузил её своими конферанциями. Пашет. Апдейты не устанавливаю. Внешнюю сеть в Интернет отключил (Интернет не требуется по Т.З.). Нагрузил. Всё работает. Вручную по команде успешно перезагружается/ восстанавливается. Ни одной ошибки. Красота ...