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Asterisk + ss7

Добавлено: 27 сен 2010, 14:55
Что выбрать:
1) Asterisk + Chan_ss7
2) Asterisk + Libss7
Схема будет такова:
Оператор <--SS7--> Asterisk <--SIP-->Сервис

Re: Asterisk + ss7

Добавлено: 27 сен 2010, 16:32
И так и эдак будент работать, навроде параллельные проекты, каждый со своими фичами.

Chan_sss7 specification:
. Compatible with Asterisk 1.2.x, 1.4.x and 1.6.x.
. MTP2 (Q.703) implementation
. MTP3 (Q.704) implementation (subset).
. ISUP (Q.76x) implementation (mostly complete).
. Supports Dahdi/Zaptel compatible digital interfaces, e.g. Redfone, Sangoma, Digium or Openvox
. Facilities for protocol analysis using e.g. wireshark
. Supports high call volumes
. Supports multiple linksets with different OPCs and DPCs
. Supports linksets with multiple links.
. Supports load sharing and MTP changeover.
. Supports multiple hosts (cluster) configuration with load sharing and failover.
. Flexible Dial command syntax to allow routing to different linksets.

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