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Подключение 7936(SCCP) к Asteris

Добавлено: 02 сен 2016, 16:46
Добрый день.
Установил последний Schan-SCCP отсюда

в tftp(отдельно от asteris) добавил файл SEP0004f2e389df.cnf.xml
c содержимым

Код: Выделить всё

      <timeZone>Greenwich Standard Time</timeZone>
        <member priority="0">
    <srstInfo uuid="{cd241e11-4a58-4d3d-9661-f06c912a18a3}">
    <phoneService type="1" category="0">
      <name>Missed Calls</name>
    <phoneService type="2" category="0">
    <phoneService type="1" category="0">
      <name>Received Calls</name>
    <phoneService type="1" category="0">
      <name>Placed Calls</name>
    <phoneService type="1" category="0">
      <name>Personal Directory</name>
    <phoneService type="1" category="0">
      <name>Corporate Directory</name>

добавил прошивку на tftp, телефон прошился

на asterisk в sccp.conf прописал

Код: Выделить всё

servername =
keepalive = 60
debug = 0
context = countrycalls
dateformat = D.M.Y
bindaddr =
port = 2000
firstdigittimeout = 16
digittimeout = 8
autoanswer_ring_time = 1
autoanswer_tone = 0x32
remotehangup_tone = 0x32
transfer_tone = 0
callwaiting_tone = 0x2d
dnd = on
sccp_tos = 0x68
sccp_cos = 4
audio_tos = 0xB8
audio_cos = 6
video_tos = 0x88
video_cos = 5
echocancel = on
silencesuppression = off
trustphoneip = no
private = on

hotline_enabled=yes                                     ;can devices without configuration register
hotline_context=from-internal-xfer                              ; context for hotline
hotline_extension=11111                                 ; extension will be dialed on offHook

; actual definitions
[16:26:08] Роман Голубенко: [SEP0004f2e389df] ; MAC of 7936
description = Conference Room
devicetype = 7936
type = device
button = line, 200
deny=                                    ; Same as general
permit=                   ; Same as general
imageversion = cmterm_7936.3-3-21-0
pickupcontext = countrycalls
tzoffset = +0
transfer = on
trustphoneip = no
earlyrtp = progress
private = on
mwilamp = on
mwioncall = off
cfwdall = on
imageversion = cmterm_7936.3-3-21-0

id =
type = line
label = Phone 1240
description = Line 1240
cid_name = CONFROOM
cid_num = 1240
echocancel = off
context = countrycalls
transfer = on
vmnum = 600
trnsfvm = 1000
secondary_dialtone_digits = 9
secondary_dialtone_tone = 0x22
echocancel = on
silencesuppression = off
сделал core reload

включил телефон

на астериске проверил

Код: Выделить всё

sccp show devices

+--- Devices --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| Descr                     Address                                      Mac              RegState   Token RegTime                   Act Lines Nat       |
+ ========================= ============================================ ================ ========== ===== ========================= === ===== ========= +
| Conference Room                                                     -- SEP0004f2e389df  None       No To  Fri Sep  2 16:17:44 2016  No 0          Auto |

show device SEP0004f2e389df

--- SCCP channel driver device settings ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MAC-Address                                    : SEP0004f2e389df
Protocol Version                               : Supported '0', In Use '0'
Protocol In Use                                : NONE Version 0
Device Features                                : 0,00000000000000000000000000000000
Tokenstate                                     : No Token
Keepalive                                      : 60
Registration state                             : None(2)
State                                          : On Hook(0)
MWI light                                      : On(2)
MWI handset light                              : 0000000000000000000000000000000 (0)
MWI During call                                : turn off
Description                                    : Conference Room
Config Phone Type                              : 7936
Skinny Phone Type                              : Undefined: Maybe you forgot the devicetype in your config(0)
Softkey support                                : no
Softkeyset                                     : default => default (0x7fcbfc008f70)
BTemplate support                              : no
linesRegistered                                : no
Image Version                                  :
Timezone Offset                                : 0
Capabilities                                   : (nothing)
Codecs preference                              : (alaw/64k (2), alaw/56k (3), ulaw/64k (4), ulaw/56k (5), g729 (11), g729a (12), g729b (15), g729ab (16), g729/annex/b (85))
Audio TOS                                      : 184
Audio COS                                      : 6
Video TOS                                      : 136
Video COS                                      : 5
DND Feature enabled                            : yes
DND Status                                     : Disabled
DND Action                                     : Reject
Can Transfer                                   : on
Can Park                                       : on
Can CFWDALL                                    : on
Can CFWBUSY                                    : on
Can CFWNOANSWER                                : on
Allow ringin notification                      : no
Private softkey                                : on
Dtmf mode                                      : SKINNY
Nat                                            : Auto
Videosupport?                                  : no
Direct RTP                                     : off
Trust phone ip (deprecated)                    : off
Bind Address                                   : ???.???.???.???
Server Address                                 : ???.???.???.???
Deny/Permit                                    : deny:,permit:,
PermitHosts                                    :
Early RTP                                      : Progress
Device State (Acc.)                            : None
Last Used Accessory                            : None
Last dialed number                             :  (0)
Default line instance                          : 0
Custom Background Image                        : ---
Custom Ring Tone                               : ---
PendingUpdate                                  : off
PendingDelete                                  : off
Directed Pickup                                : on
Pickup Context                                 : countrycalls (exists)
Pickup Mode Answer                             : on

+--- Buttons -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| Id   Inst TypeStr                        Type                     pendUpdt pendDel  Default   |
+ ==== ==== ============================== ======================== ======== ======== ========= +
| 1    0    Line                           0                        No       No       No        |

+--- LineButtons -------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| Id   Name                    Suffix Label                         CfwdType   CfwdNumber       |
+ ==== ======================= ====== ============================= ========== ================ +

+--- SpeeddialButtons --------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| Id   Name                    Number                               Hint                        |
+ ==== ======================= ==================================== =========================== +

+--- FeatureButtons ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| Id   Name                    Options                              Status                      |
+ ==== ======================= ==================================== =========================== +

+--- ServiceURLButtons -------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| Id   Name                    URL                                                              |
+ ==== ======================= ================================================================ +

+--- Variables ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| Name                         Value                                                            |
+ ============================ ================================================================ +
| testvar                      value                                                            |

+--- CallStatistics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| Type     Calls    PcktSnt  PcktRcvd Lost     Jitter   Latency  Quality  avgQual  meanQual maxQual  rConceal sConceal |
+ ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== +
| LAST     0        0        0        0        0        0        0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0        |
| AVG      0        0        0        0        0        0        0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0        |

Т.е. телефон не зарегистрировался? Где я допустил ошибку?...

Re: Подключение 7936(SCCP) к Asteris

Добавлено: 02 сен 2016, 17:24
перезапустил asterisk и вижу

Код: Выделить всё

+--- Devices --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| Descr                     Address                                      Mac              RegState   Token RegTime                   Act Lines Nat       |
+ ========================= ============================================ ================ ========== ===== ========================= === ===== ========= +
| Conference Room                              SEP0004f2e389df  OK         No To  Fri Sep  2 17:23:45 2016  No 0     (Auto)Off |

а на экране аппарата при попытке позвонить
Error Pass Limit

Re: Подключение 7936(SCCP) к Asteris

Добавлено: 02 сен 2016, 18:14
Так примерно и должно быть:

Код: Выделить всё

*CLI> sccp show devices

+--- Devices ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| Name                      Address                                      Mac         RegState   Token  RegTime                Act Lines |
+ ========================= ============================================ =============== ========== ===== =================== === ===== +
| Conference 7937                              -- SEP0004F2EEF1AE  ОК       None   Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970  No 0  |
| DK Tandberg 7985 (412)                       -- SEP00506001637D  ОК       None   Tue Aug 16 02:42:11 2016  No 0  |
| Tandberg 410                                 -- SEP005060038088  ОК       None   Mon Aug 29 11:24:56 2016  No 0  |
А при попытке позвонить включайте sccp debug и изучайте его и примеры конфигов.
Error Pass Limit

Re: Подключение 7936(SCCP) к Asteris

Добавлено: 03 сен 2016, 19:54
сообщение появляется сразу после нажатия кнопки снять трубку...

включил sccp debug all

Код: Выделить всё

Asterisk*CLI> sccp debug all
SCCP new debug status: (0 -> 1073741822) none,sccp,hint,rtp,device,line,action,channel,cli,config,feature,feature_button,softkey,indicate,pbx,socket,mwi,event,conference,buttontemplate,speeddial,codec,realtime,lock,refcount,message,newcode,threadpool,filelinefunc,high
[Sep  3 19:55:41] NOTICE[5937]: sccp_socket.c:854 sccp_socket_device_thread:        > SEP0004f2e389df: set poll timeout 66/66 for session 55
[Sep  3 19:56:25] NOTICE[5937]: sccp_socket.c:878 sccp_socket_device_thread:   == SEP0004f2e389df: Session New Data Arriving
[Sep  3 19:56:25] NOTICE[5937]: sccp_socket.c:523 sccp_read_data:     -- SEP0004f2e389df: Dissection Keep Alive Message (0), msgDataSegmentSize: 0, UnreadBytesAccordingToPacket: 0, msg->header.length: 4, bytesToRead: 0, bytesReadSoFar: 0
[Sep  3 19:56:25] NOTICE[5937]: sccp_socket.c:544 sccp_read_data:     -- SEP0004f2e389df: Finished Reading Keep Alive Message (0), msgDataSegmentSize: 0, UnreadBytesAccordingToPacket: 0, bytesToRead: 0, bytesReadSoFar: 0
[Sep  3 19:56:25] NOTICE[5937]: chan_sccp.c:317 sccp_handle_message:     -- SEP0004f2e389df: >> Got message Keep Alive Message (0)
[Sep  3 19:56:25] NOTICE[5937]: chan_sccp.c:217 check_session_message_device: SCCP: SCCP Handle Message: Keep Alive Message(0x0000) 4 bytes length
[Sep  3 19:56:25] NOTICE[5937]: sccp_socket.c:1196 sccp_session_send2: SEP0004f2e389df: Send Message: Keep Alive Acknowledge(0x0100) 4 bytes length
[Sep  3 19:56:32] NOTICE[5937]: sccp_socket.c:854 sccp_socket_device_thread:        > SEP0004f2e389df: set poll timeout 66/66 for session 55

Re: Подключение 7936(SCCP) к Asteris

Добавлено: 04 сен 2016, 00:51
Скорее всего:
не правильно прописан контекст
не прописана линия (линии). Вы бы посмотрели примеры конфигов, там видно, что линии прописываются отдельно, устройства - отдельно.

Код: Выделить всё

*CLI> sccp show lines

+--- Lines -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 
| Ext           Suffix    Label                          Device           MWI  Chs  Active Channel                          |
+ ============= ========= ============================== ================ ==== ==== ======================================= +
| 410                     CEO Tandberg (410)             SEP005060038088  OFF  0    --                                      |
| 411                     Stand Tandberg (411)           --               OFF  0    --                                      |
| 412                     DK Tandberg (412)              --               OFF  0    --                                      |
| Hotline                 hotline                        --               OFF  0    --                                      |

Re: Подключение 7936(SCCP) к Asteris

Добавлено: 05 сен 2016, 10:42
Сори, но вроде все прописал как в найденных примерах

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sccp show lines

+--- Lines ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| Ext           Suffix    Label                          Device           MWI  Chs  Active Channel                                    |
+ ============= ========= ============================== ================ ==== ==== ================================================= +
| 1210                    Phone 1210                     --               OFF  0    --                                                |
| Hotline                 hotline                        --               OFF  0    --                                                |

в sccp.conf

id = 1210
type = line
label = Phone 1210
description = Line 1210
cid_name = CONFROOM
cid_num = 1210
echocancel = off
context = countrycalls
transfer = on
vmnum = 600
trnsfvm = 1000
secondary_dialtone_digits = 9
secondary_dialtone_tone = 0x22
echocancel = on
silencesuppression = off

Подскажите, чего еще не хватает

Re: Подключение 7936(SCCP) к Asteris

Добавлено: 05 сен 2016, 10:50
Не хватает понимания.
В моём выхлопе видно, что линия 410 (внутренний номер, закреплённый за этой линией) привязан к аппарату (device) SEP005060038088
410 CEO Tandberg (410) SEP005060038088
А у Вас в поле Device - пусто:
1210 Phone 1210 --

Не надо кидать конфиги, проверять контрольную работу на предмет "где я ошибся?" тут не кому.

Re: Подключение 7936(SCCP) к Asteris

Добавлено: 05 сен 2016, 11:05
в конфигурация железки прописано
button = line, 1210
что должно направить железку на линию, верно?

Re: Подключение 7936(SCCP) к Asteris

Добавлено: 05 сен 2016, 12:11
Направляю Вас в платный суппорт.