Под Linux, например, запускается по SSH удалённо linphonec - интерактивный командный инрерфейс Linphone, командами же можно управлять параметрами Linphone, вызовом абонента, установлением соединения, трансфером, завершением вызова, и многое другое. Думаю, что в Windows тоже всё это возможно.
Код: Выделить всё
linphonec> help
Commands are:
help Print commands help.
call Call a SIP uri or number
calls Show all the current calls with their id and status.
chat Chat with a SIP uri
terminate Terminate a call
answer Answer a call
pause pause a call
resume resume a call
transfer Transfer a call to a specified destination.
conference Create and manage an audio conference.
mute Mute microphone and suspend voice transmission.
camera Send camera output for current call.
unmute Unmute microphone and resume voice transmission.
playbackga Adjust playback gain.
duration Print duration in seconds of the last call.
autoanswer Show/set auto-answer mode
proxy Manage proxies
soundcard Manage soundcards
webcam Manage webcams
ipv6 Use IPV6
nat Set nat address
stun Set stun server address
firewall Set firewall policy
call-logs Calls history
friend Manage friends
play play a wav file
record record to a wav file
quit Exit linphonec
Type 'help <command>' for more details or
'help advanced' to list additional commands.