fail2ban+iptables настройка
Добавлено: 13 дек 2016, 13:55
Добрый день!
Знаю статей на эту тему море с телегой,но часть из них устарела и не соответствуют современным технологиям взлома Asterisk.
Как новичок в этом деле хотел узнать у бывалых все ли я правильно сделал и может кто то чем то дополнит мои конфиги ?!
Использую FreePBX 13 + Asterisk 13 FreePBX Distro 10.13.66-32bit
asterisk.conf filter.d
Собственно настройки почти стандартны, добавлено несколько правил для SIP
Хотелось бы услышать какие нибудь добавления критику и.т.д, буду рад прочесть Ваш опыт!
Знаю статей на эту тему море с телегой,но часть из них устарела и не соответствуют современным технологиям взлома Asterisk.
Как новичок в этом деле хотел узнать у бывалых все ли я правильно сделал и может кто то чем то дополнит мои конфиги ?!
Использую FreePBX 13 + Asterisk 13 FreePBX Distro 10.13.66-32bit
ignoreip =
bantime = 3600
findtime = 600
maxretry = 3
backend = auto
usedns = warn
ignoreip =
bantime = 3600
findtime = 600
maxretry = 3
backend = auto
usedns = warn
ignoreip =
bantime = 5001800
findtime = 1800
maxretry = 1
backend = auto
enabled = true
filter = freepbx
action = iptables-allports[name=SIP, protocol=all]
sendmail[name=SIP, dest=мыл, sender=мыл]
logpath = /var/log/asterisk/freepbx_security.log
enabled = true
filter = sshd
action = iptables-multiport[name=SSH, protocol=tcp, port=ssh]
sendmail[name=SSH, dest=мыл, sender=мыл]
logpath = /var/log/secure
enabled = true
filter = apache-auth
action = iptables-multiport[name=apache-auth, protocol=tcp, port=http]
sendmail[name=apache-auth, dest=мыл, sender=мыл]
logpath = /var/log/httpd/error_log
enabled = true
filter = vsftpd
action = iptables-multiport[name=FTP, protocol=tcp, port=ftp]
sendmail[name=FTP, dest=мыл, sender=мыл]
logpath = /var/log/vsftpd.log
enabled = true
filter = apache-badbots
action = iptables-multiport[name=BadBots, protocol=tcp, port="http,https"]
sendmail[name=BadBots, dest=мыл, sender=мыл]
logpath = /var/log/httpd/*access_log
enabled = true
filter = recidive
logpath = /var/log/fail2ban.log*
action = iptables-allports[name=recidive, protocol=all]
sendmail[name=recidive, dest=мыл, sender=мыл]
bantime = 604800
findtime = 86400
maxretry = 1
enabled = true
filter = asterisk
action = iptables-multiport[name=asterisk-tcp, port="5060,5061", protocol=tcp]
iptables-multiport[name=asterisk-udp, port="5060,5061", protocol=udp]
sendmail-whois[name=Asterisk, dest=мыл, sender=мыл]
logpath = /var/log/asterisk/full
maxretry = 1
bantime = 259200
enabled = true
filter = asterisk
action = iptables-allports[name=SIP, protocol=all]
sendmail[name=SIP, dest=мыл, sender=мыл]
logpath = /var/log/asterisk/full
maxretry = 1
bantime = 259200
ignoreip =
bantime = 5001800
findtime = 1800
maxretry = 1
backend = auto
enabled = true
filter = freepbx
action = iptables-allports[name=SIP, protocol=all]
sendmail[name=SIP, dest=мыл, sender=мыл]
logpath = /var/log/asterisk/freepbx_security.log
enabled = true
filter = sshd
action = iptables-multiport[name=SSH, protocol=tcp, port=ssh]
sendmail[name=SSH, dest=мыл, sender=мыл]
logpath = /var/log/secure
enabled = true
filter = apache-auth
action = iptables-multiport[name=apache-auth, protocol=tcp, port=http]
sendmail[name=apache-auth, dest=мыл, sender=мыл]
logpath = /var/log/httpd/error_log
enabled = true
filter = vsftpd
action = iptables-multiport[name=FTP, protocol=tcp, port=ftp]
sendmail[name=FTP, dest=мыл, sender=мыл]
logpath = /var/log/vsftpd.log
enabled = true
filter = apache-badbots
action = iptables-multiport[name=BadBots, protocol=tcp, port="http,https"]
sendmail[name=BadBots, dest=мыл, sender=мыл]
logpath = /var/log/httpd/*access_log
enabled = true
filter = recidive
logpath = /var/log/fail2ban.log*
action = iptables-allports[name=recidive, protocol=all]
sendmail[name=recidive, dest=мыл, sender=мыл]
bantime = 604800
findtime = 86400
maxretry = 1
enabled = true
filter = asterisk
action = iptables-multiport[name=asterisk-tcp, port="5060,5061", protocol=tcp]
iptables-multiport[name=asterisk-udp, port="5060,5061", protocol=udp]
sendmail-whois[name=Asterisk, dest=мыл, sender=мыл]
logpath = /var/log/asterisk/full
maxretry = 1
bantime = 259200
enabled = true
filter = asterisk
action = iptables-allports[name=SIP, protocol=all]
sendmail[name=SIP, dest=мыл, sender=мыл]
logpath = /var/log/asterisk/full
maxretry = 1
bantime = 259200
loglevel = 3
logtarget = /var/log/fail2ban.log
socket = /var/run/fail2ban/fail2ban.sock
pidfile = /var/run/fail2ban/
loglevel = 3
logtarget = /var/log/fail2ban.log
socket = /var/run/fail2ban/fail2ban.sock
pidfile = /var/run/fail2ban/
logtarget = /var/log/fail2ban.log
logtarget = /var/log/fail2ban.log
before = common.conf
_daemon = asterisk
__pid_re = (?:\[\d+\])
iso8601 = \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d+[+-]\d{4}
# All Asterisk log messages begin like this:
log_prefix= (?:NOTICE|SECURITY)%(__pid_re)s:?(?:\[C-[\da-f]*\])? \S+:\d*( in \w+:)?
failregex = ^(%(__prefix_line)s|\[\]\s*)%(log_prefix)s Registration from '[^']*' failed for '<HOST>(:\d+)?' - (Wrong password|Username/auth name mismatch|No matching peer found|Not a local domain|Device does not match ACL|Peer is not supposed to register|ACL error \(permit/deny\)|Not a local domain)$
^(%(__prefix_line)s|\[\]\s*)%(log_prefix)s Call from '[^']*' \(<HOST>:\d+\) to extension '[^']*' rejected because extension not found in context
^(%(__prefix_line)s|\[\]\s*)%(log_prefix)s Host <HOST> failed to authenticate as '[^']*'$
^(%(__prefix_line)s|\[\]\s*)%(log_prefix)s No registration for peer '[^']*' \(from <HOST>\)$
^(%(__prefix_line)s|\[\]\s*)%(log_prefix)s Host <HOST> failed MD5 authentication for '[^']*' \([^)]+\)$
^(%(__prefix_line)s|\[\]\s*)%(log_prefix)s Failed to authenticate (user|device) [^@]+@<HOST>\S*$
^(%(__prefix_line)s|\[\]\s*)%(log_prefix)s hacking attempt detected '<HOST>'$
^(%(__prefix_line)s|\[\]\s*)%(log_prefix)s <HOST> tried to authenticate with nonexistent user.+$
^(%(__prefix_line)s|\[\]\s*)%(log_prefix)s <HOST> failed to authenticate as.+$
^(%(__prefix_line)s|\[\]\s*)%(log_prefix)s Request from '[^']*' failed for '<HOST>:\d+' .+ No matching endpoint found$
^(%(__prefix_line)s|\[\]\s*)%(log_prefix)s SecurityEvent="(FailedACL|InvalidAccountID|ChallengeResponseFailed|InvalidPassword)",EventTV="([\d-]+|%(iso8601)s)",Severity="[\w]+",Service="[\w]+",EventVersion="\d+",AccountID="(\d*|<unknown>)",SessionID=".+",LocalAddress="IPV[46]/(UDP|TCP|WS|WSS)/[\da-fA-F:.]+/\d+",RemoteAddress="IPV[46]/(UDP|TCP|WS|WSS)/<HOST>/\d+"(,Challenge="[\w/]+")?(,ReceivedChallenge="\w+")?(,Response="\w+",ExpectedResponse="\w*")?(,ReceivedHash="[\da-f]+")?(,ACLName="\w+")?$
# These WARNINGS do not have a file attribute, as they're generated dynamicly
^(%(__prefix_line)s|\[\]\s*WARNING%(__pid_re)s:?(?:\[C-[\da-f]*\])? )[^:]+: Friendly Scanner from <HOST>$
^(%(__prefix_line)s|\[\]\s*WARNING%(__pid_re)s:?(?:\[C-[\da-f]*\])? )Ext\. s: "Rejecting unknown SIP connection from <HOST>"$
ignoreregex =
before = common.conf
_daemon = asterisk
__pid_re = (?:\[\d+\])
iso8601 = \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d+[+-]\d{4}
# All Asterisk log messages begin like this:
log_prefix= (?:NOTICE|SECURITY)%(__pid_re)s:?(?:\[C-[\da-f]*\])? \S+:\d*( in \w+:)?
failregex = ^(%(__prefix_line)s|\[\]\s*)%(log_prefix)s Registration from '[^']*' failed for '<HOST>(:\d+)?' - (Wrong password|Username/auth name mismatch|No matching peer found|Not a local domain|Device does not match ACL|Peer is not supposed to register|ACL error \(permit/deny\)|Not a local domain)$
^(%(__prefix_line)s|\[\]\s*)%(log_prefix)s Call from '[^']*' \(<HOST>:\d+\) to extension '[^']*' rejected because extension not found in context
^(%(__prefix_line)s|\[\]\s*)%(log_prefix)s Host <HOST> failed to authenticate as '[^']*'$
^(%(__prefix_line)s|\[\]\s*)%(log_prefix)s No registration for peer '[^']*' \(from <HOST>\)$
^(%(__prefix_line)s|\[\]\s*)%(log_prefix)s Host <HOST> failed MD5 authentication for '[^']*' \([^)]+\)$
^(%(__prefix_line)s|\[\]\s*)%(log_prefix)s Failed to authenticate (user|device) [^@]+@<HOST>\S*$
^(%(__prefix_line)s|\[\]\s*)%(log_prefix)s hacking attempt detected '<HOST>'$
^(%(__prefix_line)s|\[\]\s*)%(log_prefix)s <HOST> tried to authenticate with nonexistent user.+$
^(%(__prefix_line)s|\[\]\s*)%(log_prefix)s <HOST> failed to authenticate as.+$
^(%(__prefix_line)s|\[\]\s*)%(log_prefix)s Request from '[^']*' failed for '<HOST>:\d+' .+ No matching endpoint found$
^(%(__prefix_line)s|\[\]\s*)%(log_prefix)s SecurityEvent="(FailedACL|InvalidAccountID|ChallengeResponseFailed|InvalidPassword)",EventTV="([\d-]+|%(iso8601)s)",Severity="[\w]+",Service="[\w]+",EventVersion="\d+",AccountID="(\d*|<unknown>)",SessionID=".+",LocalAddress="IPV[46]/(UDP|TCP|WS|WSS)/[\da-fA-F:.]+/\d+",RemoteAddress="IPV[46]/(UDP|TCP|WS|WSS)/<HOST>/\d+"(,Challenge="[\w/]+")?(,ReceivedChallenge="\w+")?(,Response="\w+",ExpectedResponse="\w*")?(,ReceivedHash="[\da-f]+")?(,ACLName="\w+")?$
# These WARNINGS do not have a file attribute, as they're generated dynamicly
^(%(__prefix_line)s|\[\]\s*WARNING%(__pid_re)s:?(?:\[C-[\da-f]*\])? )[^:]+: Friendly Scanner from <HOST>$
^(%(__prefix_line)s|\[\]\s*WARNING%(__pid_re)s:?(?:\[C-[\da-f]*\])? )Ext\. s: "Rejecting unknown SIP connection from <HOST>"$
ignoreregex =
Хотелось бы услышать какие нибудь добавления критику и.т.д, буду рад прочесть Ваш опыт!